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Event Details
September 25, 2013

Harvard University, CGIS Building, Room S050
1730 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States

Public Talk - Cambridge, MA

William Overholt, "Xi Jinping and China's Future: The Critical Issues"

This event is part of the "Critical Issues Confronting China" seminar organized by Ezra Vogel, William Overholt, and William Hsiao. The weekly series will take a comprehensive view of the complex issues China faces today. Featured speakers will present political, economic, geopolitical, and social issues in a broad cultural, historical, Asia regional, and international context. Each session will raise concrete issues, point out controversies, and explore possible options for Chinese leaders.

William Overholt is a senior fellow at Harvard University Asia Center and conducts research on development and governance issues. As the former director of RAND’s Center for Asia Pacific Policy, he held a distinguished chair at the Center. He is the author of America and Asia: The Coming Transformation of Asian Geopolitics (2007), as well as The Rise of China (1993), which won the Mainichi News/Asian Affairs Research Center Special Book Prize. In 1976, he founded the semi-annual Global Assessment, with Zbigniew Brzezinski, and edited it until 1988. He has also spent 21 years running research teams for investment banks, including Nomura Securities, Bankers Trust, and BankBoston, mostly in Hong Kong or Singapore.