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Event Details
March 30, 2018

University of Southern California
JKP 102
611 Exposition Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States

Conference - Los Angeles, CA

USC Marshall China Research Day

Friday, March 30th
1:30–2:15 Keynote Presentation
Speaker: Barry Naughton (UCSD School of Global Policy & Strategy)
Title: TBA
2:15–2:30 Short Coffee Break
2:30–3:15 Session 1
Speaker: Alex Wang (UCLA School of Law)
Title: Symbolic Legitimation in Chinese Reform
3:15–4:00 Session 2
Speaker: Yang Xie (UC Riverside Economics)
Title: Crony Capitalism, Party-State, and Political Boundaries of Corruption
4:00–4:30 Coffee Break
4:30–5:15 Session 3
Speaker: Franziska Keller (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Political Science)
Title: The Politics of Paying A Visit: A Network Analysis of Provincial
Leadership Visits
5:15–6:00 Session 4
Speaker: Yongxiang Wang (USC Marshall Finance and Business Economics)
Title: Social Ties and the Selection of China's Political Elite
6:30 Dinner for all participants (registration required) at the USC University Club
Saturday, March 31
8:00–9:00 Breakfast for all participants
9:00–9:45 Session 1
Speaker: Yiqing Xu (UCSD Political Science)
Title: Rotating to the Top: How Elites and Commoners Rise in the Chinese
Communist Party
9:45–10:30 Session 2
Speaker: TJ Wong (USC Marshall Leventhal School of Accounting)
Title: Political Networks and Stock Price Comovement: Evidence from network-
connected firms in China
10:30–11:00 Coffee Break
11:00–11:45 Session 3
Speaker: Nan Jia (USC Marshall Management and Organizations)
Title: The Strategic Use of Political Connections: The Role of Political
Connections in Firms' Location Choices
11:45–12:30 Session 4
Speaker: Yanhui Wu (USC Marshall Finance and Business Economics)
Title: Competition, Contracts, and Creativity: Evidence from Novel Writing in a
Platform Market


12:30 Lunch & Conference Concludes

Registration for this event is closed.
