9:00am Registration and VIP meeting
9:30am Opening remarks by organizers
9:45am Welcome remarks (invited)
Terry Tamminen, Director of Climate Policy for the New America Foundation
David Freeman, City of Los Angeles, Deputy Mayor of Environment
Luomei Shu, Director of Commercial Office, Consulate General of China in LA
10:10am Keynote Speech: “Overview of Jiangsu Province and Solar Energy Plan and Incentives in Jiangsu”
Fei Shaoyun, Deputy Director General, DOFTEC of Jiangsu
10:30am Overview of Jiangsu Solar Industry, Panel Presentation I ,John Tang, moderator
Xu Huijuan, Deputy Director, General, DOFTEC, Wuxi, Jiangsu
Steve Chan, CSO, Suntech
Peng Fang, President of Best Solar (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
11:00am Break
11:10am California& US Solar Market, Panel Presentation II, moderator Bonnie Reiss
John Geesman, the former Commissioner, CEC
Cecilia Aguillon, member of the CALSEIA Board of Directors, Certification and Verification requirements for California Market, CalSEIA
Kevin Gao, Founder and Vice President, CA Solar LLC
11:40am Utility Perspectives, Panel Presentation III, moderator Elizabeth Turner
Gary Barsley, Manager of Solar Initiatives & Self- Generation Programs, Southern California Edison.
Aram Benyamin, Senior Assistant General Manager – Power System, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
12:10pm Q&A
12:30pm Lunch Break
1:30pm Introducing Chinese Delegations
1:45pm Remarks by Linda Adams, CalEPA Secretary
Remarks by Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich ,Los Angeles County
2:00pm Business Networking
2:45pm Speical Lecture: How to Set Up in the U.S.?
A Discussion between the Delegates and Local Governments/Service Providers
WTCA L.A.-LB, City of Lancaster, PricewaterHouseCoopers, East West Bank
3:30pm Closing remarks
Michael Eckhart, President, American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE)
4:45pm Adjourn