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Event Details
May 20, 2020
Public Talk

U.S. China Trade and the Future of Agriculture in the Heartland


A significant portion of the US agricultural exports to China is produced in the heartland region.  With the recent trade tension and, now, COVID-19 impact, the agriculture industry in the heartland is facing a lot of uncertainties and challenges. 

In this webinar, we will join a panel of agricultural industry veterans, policy makers, and investors to explore the opportunities and challenges for the future of agriculture in the heartland.

Confirmed Panelists

Jennifer Hillman - Senior Fellow for Trade and International Political Economy at the Council on Foreign Relations

Jennifer A. Hillman is a senior fellow for trade and international political economy at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), specializing in U.S. trade policy, the law and politics of the World Trade Organization (WTO), international organizations, and Brexit. 

Tom Vilsack - President and CEO, USDEC - Former Secretary of Agriculture

As president and CEO, Vilsack provides strategic leadership and oversight of USDEC’s global promotional and research activities, regulatory affairs and trade policy initiatives. This includes working with industry leaders to develop a long-term vision for building sales and consumer trust in U.S. dairy.

Rob Dongoski - EY Partner, Global Agribusiness Leader

As EY’s global Agribusiness leader, Rob is at the forefront of industry issues working directly with executives to optimize their approach in the global markets. Rob works across the food and agriculture value chain integrating innovation, driving digital adoption and developing strategy.

Rajiv Singh - Co-Chairman of FoodShot Global
Co-Chairman of FoodShot Global, an organization empowering ideas to accelerate the transformation to a health, sustainable and equitable food system

Retired CEO of Rabobank North America Wholesale Banking

Lee Strom - Partner in the Open Prairie Rural Opportunities Fund

Leland (Lee) Strom is a partner in the Open Prairie Rural Opportunities Fund, LP, a USDA licensed Rural Business Investment Company (RBIC), is the Former CEO and Chair of the Farm Credit Administration. He also serves as a founding member of The Illinois Agri-Food Alliance, and as President of the Illinois Agricultural Leadership Foundation.

Dr. Xue Lei - research fellow of Institute for World Economy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies

Dr. XUE Lei is a research fellow of Institute for World Economy Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS). He earned a Ph.D. degree in International Law at the East China University of Political Science and Law in 2010.