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Event Details
April 29, 2015

Center for Strategic and International Studies
1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
United States

Public Talk - Washington, DC

The U.S.-China Relationship in an Evolving Global Economic Order

Recent developments such as the establishment of new institutions like the AIIB have raised broader questions about the U.S. and China’s roles in global economic governance. What are the problems in the global economy that the U.S. and China agree and disagree on? To what extent are existing institutions addressing those problems and where is there a need for new approaches? Can the U.S. and China find a way to work cooperatively on these issues, which will have a major impact on the prosperity of both countries and the rest of the world? Please join us for a stimulating discussion of these issues with top experts from China and the U.S. The event will finish with a keynote address by Under Secretary Nathan Sheets, the senior official at the U.S. Treasury responsible for the S&ED.

3:00 pm    Managing the Global Economic Order: U.S. and Chinese Perspectives

Chen Dongxiao
President, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies  

Evan A. Feigenbaum
Vice Chairman, The Paulson Institute

Clay Lowery
Vice President, Rock Creek Global Advisors; Senior Adviser (Non-Resident), Simon Chair in Political Economy, CSIS   

Fang Jin
Deputy Secretary-General, China Development Research Foundation

Moderated by:
Matthew P. Goodman
William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy, CSIS
4:15 pm    Coffee Break
4:30 pm    Keynote: What to Expect from the Next U.S.- China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
Nathan Sheets
Under Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Treasury

Please email to register.

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