The full schedule of the OU Chinese Film Festival can be found below. Please contact Ping Zhu if you have any questions.
Presidential Dream Course on Chinese Cinema and Newman Prize in Chinese Literature Joint Events, University of Oklahoma, 3/2-3/6, 2015
*Chinese Film Festival Screening: The Missing Gun (dir. Lu Chuan)
Date and Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm, Monday, 03/02/15
Location: Fred Jones Art Museum Auditorium (555 Elm Avenue, Norman, OK)
*Chinese Film Festival Screening: Cape No.7 (dir. Wei Te-Sheng)
Date and Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm, Wednesday, 03/04/15
Location: Fred Jones Art Museum Auditorium
**Chinese Film Festival Screening: Boys from Fengkuei (dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien)
(with a brief introduction by the film’s screenwriter Chu T’tien-wen)
Date and Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm, Thursday 03/05/15
Location: Fred Jones Art Museum Auditorium
**Chinese Language Cinema Salon
(with 4th Newman laureate Chu T’tien-wen and three senior Chinese language cinema scholars: Rey Chow, Ban Wang, and Yingjin Zhang)
Date and Time: 2:15pm-3:30pm, Thursday, 03/05/15 (Reception starts at 2:00pm)
Location: Boorstin Room, Lower Level Two in Bizzell Library (401 West Brooks Street, Norman, OK)
***Presidential Dream Course and Newman Symposium
Date and Time: 1:30pm-4:45pm, Friday, 03/06/15
Location: Fred Jones Art Museum Auditorium
1:30-3:00pm Roundtable on Chinese Language Film
Rey Chow (Duke University), “The Grain of Jade: Woman, Repression, and Fei Mu’s Spring in a Small Town”
Shu-chin Tsui (Bowdoin College), “The Return of the Repressed: Masculinity and Sexuality Reconsidered”
Man-fung Yip (University of Oklahoma), “From Cape No. 7 to Kano: Some Notes on the Recent Revival of Taiwanese Cinema”
3:15-4:45pm Roundtable on 2015 Newman Laureate Chu T’ien-wen
Ban Wang (Stanford University), “Where Have All the Villages Gone?: Landscape of Home and Memory in Chinese Literature and Film”
Yingjin Zhang (UC San Diego), “Articulating Sadness in Taiwan Culture”
Ping Zhu (University of Oklahoma), “The Politics of Androgyny in Chu T’ien-wen’s Notes of a Desolate Man”