Music offers vivid expressions of distinctive cultures that can affirm social identities at the same time as it creates fascination and wonder for new listeners. Music reproduces and transforms within well-defined traditions and music moves and mixes across times and places to create new sounds and sensibilities. Asian music of many kinds is part of the Los Angeles cultural scene and the study and performance of music at UCLA engages Asia in both our city and overseas.
Musical Measures of Asia will feature panels with distinguished performers, critics, and scholars in conversation and musical demonstrations by UCLA student groups.
Musical Measures of Asia is held in concert with the UCLA Department of Ethnomusicology, Herb Alpert School of Music, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.
9:00-11:30 Musical Notes from Asia: Practices and Translations New research by UCLA graduate students in Music, History, and Ethnomusicology.
11:30-12:00 Taiko demonstration by Kyodo Taiko, UCLA
Boxed lunches available for $10 on the terrace with reservation
1:30-3:15 Classical Conversations:
Beyond Boundaries in Composition and Performance
Robert Winter, Herb Alpert School of Music, UCLA
Lei Liang, Composer, Professor of Music, UCSD
Paul Chihara, Composer and Head of Visual Media
Program, UCLA
I Nyoman Wenten, Director, Music of Bali, UCLA
Abhiman Kaushal, Director, Music of India, UCLA
Moderated by Neal Stulberg, Professor of Music and Director of Orchestral Studies, UCLA
3:15-4:00 Interlude: Music of China
4:00-5:30 Crossovers and Hybrids: Asia, LA and Music Today
Nilom Chhom and Zac Holtzman, Lead Singer and
Guitarist, Dengue Fever
Eric Nakamura, Publisher and Editor, Giant Robot
Eric Lawrence, DJ and Music Librarian, KCRW and
host of “Big in Japan” at the Hollywood Bowl
Dan Kuramoto, Band Leader and Producer, Hiroshima
Moderated by Steve Loza, Ethnomusicology, UCLA
Parking for $10 in the Sunset Village (SV) Parking Structure
For full program and to rsvp online: