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Event Details
May 17, 2007

United States

TRISO-Model: A New Approach to Integrated Software Process Assessment and Improvement


May 17, 2007, 3:15 – 4:30pm.  
USC  Hedco 107 Conference Room
USC campus map

The increasing complexity and dynamic change of software development have become the most critical challenges in the final success of a software project. As one of the new emerged methodologies to these problems, the TRISO-Model (TRidimensional Integrated SOftware development Model) uses an integrated 3-D structure to classify and organize the essential elements in software development. In order to evaluate and improve the integrated software development processes, a new TRISO-Model based process assessment and improvement approach is proposed. The talk will also introduce TRISO-Model implementation and its practice in the integrated software development processes in China.

Dr. Mingshu Li is the Director and Research Professor in the Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology in 1993; also a Master degree (secondary one) in Economics from Department of Social Sciences at the same university in 1995. He took his post-doctoral research in Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences between 1993-1995 and Department of Artificial Intelligence at University of Edinburgh between 1995-1996, respectively.

His current research interests include software process technology, software engineering methodology, requirement engineering, software engineering economics, and knowledge management. He has co-authored three books and over one hundred research papers. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Software, Standing Member of China Computer Federation (CCF). He co-founded USC/CSE-ISCAS Joint Software Engineering Research Laboratory with Dr. Barry Boehm at University of Southern California in 2006.