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Event Details
July 15, 2011

George Washington University, Sigur Center for Asian Studies
Harry Harding Auditorium, Room 213, 1957 E Street, NW
Washington, D.C., DC 20052
United States

Public Talk - Washington, D.C., DC

Tibet and the Politics of Exile in the New Millennium


A distinguished scholar and leading Tibetan public intellectual, Professor Samdhong Rinpoche has served as the first elected Tibetan Prime Minister in Exile from 2001 to 2011. He was professor of Tibetan studies and director of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Varanasi, India, from 1971-1988. In 1990, he was a member of the Drafting Committee Constitution of the Future Polity of Tibet and Law for the exiled Tibetans. From 1991 to 1995 he was appointed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama as one of the deputies of the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies and was later unanimously elected as its Chairman. Samdhong Rinpoche was born in eastern Tibet in 1939. He received his Geshe Lharampa degree in 1968 and his Ngarimpa degree in 1969.

Opening remarks by:
Tashi Rabgey
Visiting Scholar, Culture in Global Affairs, GW;
Fellow, Public Intellectuals Program, National Committee on U.S.-China Relations;
Director, Tibet Sustainable Governance Program, University of Virginia

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