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Event Details
May 27, 2007

United States

Tiananmen Commemoration Dinner and Awards

Saturday, May 27, 2006
6:00 p.m. registration
6:30 p.m. dinner  Golden Dragon Restaurant.
960 North Broadway, LA Chinatown

In the spring of 1989, Beijing erupted with the largest spontaneous demonstrations the Peoples’ Republic of China had witnessed in its 40-year history since its founding in 1949.  The pro-democracy movement spread to over 30 cities around China before the world witnessed the horrors of the government’s brutal crackdown.  As the Chinese people fled from the tanks and guns, they asked the international press to let the world know the truth. They asked the world not to forget.

Featured Speaker
Yongyi Song

This is also the 40th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) in China during which hundreds of thousands were killed or imprisoned as Mao secured his power in China.  In 1999, Mr. Song, a then U.S. permanent resident,  had already published two books on the Cultural Revolution when he was detained in China as he was collectiong 30-year-old newspapers for a new book on the same topic.  After much international outcry, he was released after six months.