Erin Baggott Carter and Victor Shih add to a growing literature on subnational factors of repression by focusing on bureaucratic career incentives to repress, which can have a profound impact on the subnational distribution of state repression.
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About the Speakers
Erin Baggott Carter (赵雅芬) is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Rel-ations at the University of Southern California. She is also a non-resident scholar at the UCSD 21st Century China Center. For the 2020-2021 academic year, she is a visiting scholar at Stanford’s Center on Democracy, Dev-elopment, and the Rule of Law. She received a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University and was previously a Fellow at the Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation.
Victor Shih holds the Ho Miu Lam Chair in China and Pacific Relations at the School of Global Policy and Strategy. He is an expert on the politics of China’s fiscal and financial policies, as well as the elite politics of China. He was the first analyst to identify the risk of massive local government debt, and is the author of “Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation.” He completed a book, under contract at Cambridge University Press, on how the coalition-formation strategies of founding leaders had a profound impact on the evolution of the Chinese Communist Party. An active member of the China Data Lab, he is also constructing a large database on biographical information of elites in China, as well as the activities of the elite.
Discussant: Stephen Schick