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Event Details
March 3, 2014

Ahn House (AHN)
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States

Conference - Los Angeles, CA

Taiwan in the World


This conference brings together International Relations specialists from schools along the West Coast with USC graduate students in Political Science and International Relations to discuss and present on issues related to Taiwan and its place in the world. Topics include Taiwan-China relations, economic relations and territorial disputes.


SCHEDULE *Updated*

1:00-2:30: Session 1 - Taiwan-China Relations and Chinese Foreign Policy


Gloria Koo, PhD Student, USC POIR - “Economic Hierarchy in East Asia: A Closer Look at the Dominance of the US Dollar in the Region”
Julian Wang, Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow, USC EASC - “Culture Matters: The Covenant of Chanyuan as a CBM in Song-Liao Relations”
Chin-hao Huang, PhD Student, USC POIR - “Cautious Compliance: Theory and a Case Study on China’s Socialization Processes and Conventional Arms Control”


Tai Ming Cheung, Associate Professor, UC San Diego International Relations and Pacific Studies
David Kang, Professor, USC International Relations and Business
Dorothy Solinger, Professor, UC Irvine Political Science


2:45-4:15: Session 2 - Territorial Disputes and Economic Relations


Meredith Shaw, PhD Student, USC POIR - “The Starting Power of Water: Fuzzy Maritime Borders and Great-Power Rivalry in the Asia Pacific”
Jeremiah Dost, PhD Student, USC POIR - “Solutions without resolutions: East Asian territorial disputes across dictatorship and democracy”
Jiun Bang, PhD Student, USC POIR - “The 'Good' Kind of Name-Calling: China's Lexicography of Bilateral Relations”


Thomas Bernstein, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Political Science
Philip Lipscy, Assistant Professor, Stanford Political Science
Dan Lynch, Associate Professor, USC International Relations


4:30-5:00Session 3 - Discussant Roundtable: East Asian International Relations & Future Collaboration Among West Coast IR Scholars


Please be sure to RSVP before the week of the event.
