Organizer: Professor David Der-wei Wang, Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese Literature, Harvard University
Sponsors: Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
Discussants: David der-wei Wang, Michelle Yeh, Michael Berry, Mei Chia-ling
Panel One: (Post-)Colonial Identities and Sentimentalities, 1934-1949, 1pm – 3pm
- Dingru Huang: Mapping a Mapping a Mapping a Strange Home: Strange Home: Strange Home: Weng Nao, the K?enji Neighborhood of Tokyo, and Taiwanese literature in the 1930s
- Chun -yu Lu: Lovable Foe: Sentimentalizing Morality in Wartime Taiwan, 1937-1945
- Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang: Trauma and Diaspora of 1949: History, Memory, and Literature in Taiwan’s Mainlander Studies
Panel Two: Reinvention and Remembrance, 1950s-1970s, 3:30pm – 5pm
- Yang Fu-min: When “Wen” becomes Knowledge: Bing-ing Hsieh’s “How I Write”
- Cheng-chieh Chang: Remembering Taiwan’s Activism in 1960s-70s
- Lo Yichen: Of the Civil Law Family: The Troubling Concept for Legal Transplantation in Taiwan
Panel Three: Politics and Poetics, 1979-1980s, 10am – 11:30am
- Kevin Luo: Revisiting Authoritarianism and Democratization in Taiwan: Analyzing Legislative Priorities and Texts, 1979-1987
- Chung Chih-wei: “Harbor Songs” between Men: The Perverse Lyricism in 1980s’ Taiwanese Nationalists
- Po-hsi Chen: An Isle of Socialism Unwritten: The Pro-Unification Leftist Literary Historiography in Taiwan
Panel Four: Contesting Voices and Networks, 1990s-2016, 1pm – 3pm
- Kyle Shernuk: Sinophone Tidalectics, or the Transculturation of Identity in the Age of Globalization
- Lily Wong: Affective Labor and the Sinophone Lens in “The Fourth Portrait”
- Dalton Lin: Can-Kicking in International Disputes: Parallel Self-Interest, Behind-the-Scene Diplomacy, and Lessons for Rapprochement Attempts
- Jaw-Nian Huang: Between State and Market: Institutional Origins of Media Self-censorship in Taiwan, 1949-2016
Roundtable, 3:30pm – 5:30pm