Conference Schedule:
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
10:00AM -10:15AM
- Edward McCord - Director, Sigur Center for Asian Studies
Panel I
- William Liu- Senior Executive Economic Officer, Economic Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative in the United States
- Rupert Hammond-Chambers- President, U.S.-Taiwan Business Council
- Matthew Goodman- Simon Chair in Political Economy, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Panel II
- Joseph Chien-yen Chang- Visiting Scholar, Sigur Center for Asian Studies
- Claude Barfield- Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
- Derek Scissors- Professorial Lecturer of Economics, GWU
Please RSVP at by Friday, April 27
The Sigur Center for Asian Studies is an international research center of the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University. Its mission is to increase the quality and broaden the scope of scholarly research and publications on Asian affairs, promote U.S.-Asia scholarly interaction and serve as the nexus for educating a new generation of students, scholars, analysts and policymakers.