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Event Details
October 8, 2016

University of Pittsburgh University Club
123 University Pl
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
United States

Conference - Pittsburgh, PA

Symposium, The Everyday Politics of Digital Life in China at the University of Pittsburgh

Digital media, and the Internet in particular, have fundamentally and irreversibly changed daily life in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). However, current approaches to the politics of digital culture, which are often firmly based on examples from the West, largely fail to comprehensively address the multifaceted situations in digital-age China, whose unique and contradictory position between post-Socialism and neoliberal Globalism has remarkably complicated the contested relations between control and freedom, between the technological and the socio-political. To engage with these problems, this workshop brings together scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, including political science, law, film studies, communications, anthropology, and sociology, to broaden the theoretical and methodological scopes that may adequately address existing and emergent political questions regarding China’s burgeoning digital culture. The workshop examines how relatively ordinary occurrences, the everyday censorship of political or non-political content, the decision to circumvent the great firewall, posting a legal question online, or reading pollution-monitoring microblogs, creates China’s digital political culture in diverse and distributive manners. Engaging with both the macro-social and the micro-individual, the papers in this workshop draw on a variety of methods including big data, interviews, surveys, archival research, close readings, and critical theory to interrogate digital political life in China, which is simultaneously rich and restricted, diverse and particular, connected and isolated.
October 7, Friday, University Club, Conference Room A
5-7 pm KEYNOTE: Guobin Yang (University of Pennsylvania)
“Enchantment and Disenchantment in the Everyday Politics of Digital Life in China”
October 8, Saturday, University Club, Conference Room A
9:30-11:30am PANEL 1: Networks and Power
Andrew MacDonald (University of Louisville)
The Impact of Internet Use on Political Attitudes: New Survey Data from China
Bo Mai (University of Pennsylvania)
Talking about Censorship: Mapping Topic Clusters on the Chinese Twitter Sphere
John Wagner Givens (University of Pittsburgh)
Justice Online: Is the Internet Empowering Lawyers, Legal Mobilization, and Rule of Law Reform in China?
1:00-3:00pm PANEL 2: Digital Virality and Volatility 
Joshua Neves (Concordia University)
People as (Media) Infrastructure: Pirated Copy and the Volatility of Distribution
Rongbin Han (University of Georgia)
The Impact of Micro-blogging Experience on Chinese College Students
Yun Fan (Zhejiang University)
Parody as the Structure of Feelings for Contemporary Chinese Netizens
3:20-5:20pm PANEL 3: Eco-Media
Christopher Cairns (Cornell University)
Hazy Messaging: Framing Air Pollution on Chinese Social Media
Jinying Li (University of Pittsburgh)
Grey Clouds: The Micro-Ecology of Eco-Apps
Ralph Litzinger (Duke University)
Media Deep Time:  A New Politics of the Extractive?
For more information contact the Asian Studies Center at