Northern Song dynasty (960-1127) of China has often been compared with the Renaissance in the West. Scholar-officials began to collect and study remains from antiquity, especially bronze ritual objects which had become an important category in Emperor Huizong’s (r. 1100-1125) imperial collections. This presentation by Prof. Ya-hwei Hsu investigates this fervent development by examining five extant catalogs and treatises. By drawing data from the Chinese Biographical Database (CBDB) and employing the digital tools of Social Network Analysis (SNA), this study reconstructs the networks of the antiquities collectors and delineates their development from the 1090s to the 1120s.
Ya-hwei Hsu is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at National Taiwan University. She is curently a Visiting Associate Professor at Princeton University this Spring 2020. The talk is co-sponsored by the USC East Asian Studies Center, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Department of Art History. Image: Lü Dalin, Kaogu tu-Illustrations for the study of antiquity, preface 1092
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