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Event Details
November 19, 2011

Seafood Palace Resturant
6731 Westminister Blvd.
Westminister, CA 92683
United States

Screening - Westminister, CA

Snow Meets Mao: in Red Star Over China


Edgar Snow, a noted foreign correspondent, was invited to interview Mao Zedong, holed up in caves with the Chinese Red Army in Shaanxi after the historic 'Long March' of 1934-1935. In his celebrated book, "Red Star over China," Snow describes his trek to locate Mao for the historic interview about the flight of the Chinese Red Army to escape the clutches of the Kuomingtang led by Chiang Kai-shek. Since Edgar Snow would be 106 years old today, his role in this video is portrayed by Robert Brand, a Kansas City actor.

Moderators: Prof. Sheng-Tai Chang, Ph.D. teaches English and Chinese at Long Beach City College, and Elizabeth Kraft, Ed.D. a psychologist, is a past president of US-China Peoples Friendship Association of Long Beach.

Preceded by a Chinese Luncheon.

Mail reservation checks to UCSPFA, P.O. Box 92274, Long Beach, CA, 90809-2274 by Nov. 14, 2011

Name:______________________________________ No. of Reservation_____@ 18.00=$_______
Phone:______________ E-mail:_________________  No. of Students    _____@  5.00=$_______
Additional Donation for Student Participation $_________           Total amount of check=$_______
