The Chinese Communist Party was founded in July 1921 as a small, revolutionary group that hoped to impose a foreign ideology—Marxism-Leninism—on a vast, weak, poor agrarian nation. In July 2021, the CCP hopes to use its 100th anniversary to convince China, and the world, that it is the only organization qualified to lead a powerful, wealthy, ambitious superpower. How Xi Jinping and his propaganda ministries tell the story of the past hundred years, and how that experience be understood, speaks volumes about the CCP’s goals and values as it looks to its future.
Anne-Marie Brady
Global Fellow, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States & Global Fellow, Polar Institute;
Professor, University of Canterbury and Executive Editor of The Polar Journal
Aynne Kokas
Wilson China Fellow;
Associate Professor of Media Studies, University of Virginia and Senior Faculty Fellow, Miller Center for Public Affairs.
Maria Repnikova
Assistant Professor of Global Communication, Georgia State University
Robert Daly
Director, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States