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Event Details
July 8, 2017

USC Campus
SCA 112
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States

Screening - Los Angeles, CA

Screening: 2017 Global Exchange Workshop Films

NEW FILMS from the 2017 USC/CUC Global Exchange Workshop
2 0 1 7 美国南加州大学/中国传媒大学“世界城市交响”纪录片合作交流项目作品展映会
The public is invited to the premiere of new short films by the 2017 Global Exchange Workshop, a collaboration between the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, and the Communications University of China, School of Theatre, Film & Television.
我们诚挚邀请您莅临由中国传媒大学艺术学部戏剧影视学院与美国南加州大学电影艺术学院联合举办的2017 年“世界城市交响”纪录片合作交流项目作品展映会。Please come and meet the student filmmakers.
展映时间:2017 年7 月7 日晚6 点
展映地点:电影艺术学院112 室
Subjects include: Chinese culture in Los Angeles, communal living, traditional Chinese medicine, women poets, rideshares, and the life of a San Joaquin Valley farmworker.
The Films:
Successors (Ruifeng Lan & 赵帅 Zhao Shuai “Handsome”)
What is China Town? (Ilana Rozin & 李思琦 Li Siqi)
Man on the Brink (Xiangyi Cai “Hermia” & 朱松璐 Zhu Songlu “Truffle”)
PrimeTime (Abebe Dagmawi “Dag” & 李奕璐 Li Yilu “Lulu”)
Treatment (Mark Vinzant & 许天缘 Xu Tianyuan “Gavin”)
Senses of Poetry (Hortense Lingjaerde & 刘珉 Liu Min “Cloud”)
Technicolor Tree Tribe (Adam Kunsberg & 刘蒲宇 Liu Puyu “Perry”)
Fallen Leaves (李思琦 Li Siqi & Ilana Rozin) 
Felicitas (Emilia Yang & 戴雨静 Dai Yujing “Denise”)

You can watch earlier films in the series at the USC US-China Institute website (2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014, and 2016). These are also available at the USC US-China Institute YouTube channel
The Global Exchange was founded 10 years ago by Professors Marsha Kinder and Mark Harris and is held over seven weeks in alternating years in Los Angeles and Beijing.
“世界城市交响”项目由南加大原助理教务长玛莎·金德教授、三获奥斯卡纪录片金奖的马克·哈里斯教授创办,至今已走过10 年历程。在为期七周的时间内,来自中美双方的创作团队将在北京或洛杉矶完成若干部纪录短片。
Admission is free
Parking: The USC School of Cinematic Arts is located at 900 W. 34th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007. Parking passes may be purchased for $12.00 at USC Entrance Gate #5, located at theintersection of W. Jefferson Blvd. & McClintock Ave. We recommend Parking Structure D, at the far end of 34th Street. Metered street parking is also available along Jefferson Blvd.
Faculty: Prof. Pablo Frasconi
Visiting Professors: Zheng Xiangrong “Hugo," Zhu Chuanxin “Steven”
Coordinator: Pablo Frasconi
Coordinating Assistant: Yufan Ge “April”
Student Assistant: Li Yiying “Nikki”
Benefactor: Stephen Lesser