Katherine A. Mason, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Brown University
Katherine Mason is a medical anthropologist who has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in China and the U.S. Mason's research addresses issues in medical anthropology, anthropological demography, population health, bioethics, global health, science and technology studies, China studies, and gender studies. She is broadly interested in how "populations" and "communities" are created and conceptualized, especially in the field of public health, and how people form relationships with these kinds of abstract entities. Her first book, based on fieldwork she conducted in southeastern China on the professionalization of public health in China following the 2003 SARS epidemic, is due to be published by Stanford University Press in early 2016. Mason's research has been funded by the Social Science Research Council, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, U.S. Fulbright program, and Association for Asian Studies. Professor Mason is currently working with colleagues in the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Department of Epidemiology on a mixed methods study of the intersections of culture, migration, and stigma, and their impact on HIV/AIDS testing behaviors among Chinese immigrants to New York City.
Discussant: Elanah Uretsky, Assistant Professor of Health, Anthropology, and International Affairs, George Washington University
Elanah Uretsky is a medical anthropologist interested in the social context of sexual disease, particularly HIV/AIDS in China. Her research interests include medical anthropology, HIV/AIDS, gender roles and disease transmission, and research methods. Professor Uretsky's work highlights the interaction of governance and HIV/AIDS in China and raises awareness of the pivotal role that men, especially "mobile men with money," play in the spread of the epidemic. Her current research focuses on the role governance plays in the development and administration of HIV/AIDS, and the impact on the epidemic of China's climate of male sexuality. Earlier, as a postdoctoral fellow, Professor Uretsky helped to design a project to survey sex workers in China, with an eye towards launching an intervention that promotes use of the female condom. She has also helped to design a multilateral project to reduce the vulnerability to HIV infection of children orphaned and affected by HIV/AIDS in southwestern China.
Organizer: Nicole Newendorp, Lecturer on Social Studies, Harvard University
Nicole Newendorp's current research project focuses on the migration of Chinese-born seniors to the U.S. and explores how these individuals make sense of relocating to the U.S. following their retirement in China, along with how seniors’ memories and subjective experiences of movement within and beyond China over past decades may continue to influence their migration trajectories in the 21st century. She was awarded the 2009 Francis L.K. Hsu Book Prize by the American Association of Anthropology’s Society for East Asian Anthropology for her ethnography of Chinese cross-border marriage migration in contemporary Hong Kong: Uneasy Reunions: Immigration, Citizenship, and Family Life in Post 1997 Hong Kong (Stanford University Press, 2008). She has also published articles about her Hong Kong-based research in International Migration and PoLAR: The Political and Legal Anthropology Review.