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Event Details
April 17, 2009

UC Berkeley
Faculty Club &
IEAS Conference Room:

United States


Republican Era Newspapers: The Journalistic and the Literary

Timothy Cheek
Lucie Cheng
Eileen Cheng-yin Chow
Michel Hockx
Christopher Rea
Carlos Rojas
Shen Shuang
Wang Di
Timothy Weston
Xu Xiaoqun
Catherine Yeh
Wen-hsin Yeh

Areas of exploration will include the relationship between literary writing and newspaper-style writing, the cultural status of “newspaper men,” the ways in which news offices served as incubators and production centers for  literary writers and writing, and the evolving aesthetic of newspapers and the reading audience.


Friday April 17, The Faculty Club, O'Neill Room

 1:00-1:30 Opening Remarks

Session 1 (1:30-3:45): Entertainment News, and News as Entertainment

Wen-hsin Yeh, Discussant

Wang Di - "Real or Not Real": Political Satire Seen from the Column "Xuxu Shishi" in 1917 Citizens' Daily

Christopher Rea, “Your Word for Today is …: Illustrated Slang Dictionaries in Shanghai Newspapers 1910s - 1940s”

 Catherine Yeh, “Creating Mass Entertainment: The Tabloid Newspapers and Rise of the Actor as Star 1898-1930”

Session 2 (4:15-5:45) The Age of the Fukan (Literary Supplements)

Timothy Cheek, Discussant

Xu Xiaoqun “Social Agendas and Personal Tastes: Editorial Policies of the Chenbao Fukan, 1918-1928”

Michel Hockx, “Newspaper Supplements and the Promotion of New Literature in the Early 1920s”

Saturday, April 18, IEAS Conference Room, 2223 Fulton Street, 6th Floor

Session 3 (9:00-11:15): Press Epistemologies

Timothy Cheek, Discussant

Shen Shuang, “"The Time and Place of an English-language Periodical in the Republican Era: the case of T'ien Hsia."

Carlos Rojas, “Missing Persons Report: Shenbao, 1934”

Eileen Cheng-yin Chow, "From Sheying Huabao to Laozhaopian: Pictorial News and An Archive of Intimacy"

Session 4 (11:30-1:00):   Personalities and the Press

 Wen-hsin Yeh, Discussant

Timothy Weston, “The Life and Afterlife of Shao Piaoping”

Lucie Cheng, “‘Feizibenahuyi dazhonghua’: Cheng Shewo and Chinese Anarchism”