This two day conference will discuss the impacts to both the United States and China when each nation deals with economic and social issues within the Pacific region. Discussion topics include: a New Political Economy of the Pacific, the Pacific from Broad Security Perspectives, China-Latin American Ties, Re-Imagining Culture and Diaspora across the Pacific, Political Economy of Culture, and Cross Pacific Experiences in Dealing with Economic and Social Issues.
Conference Schedule
Friday, April 8
8:30-8:45 Registration and Breakfast
8:45-9:00 Opening Remarks:Carol Wise and Viet Nguyen, USC
9:00-10:30 Session 1: New Political Economy of the Pacific
Chair: Robert Dekle, USC
Invited panelists:
Vinod Aggarwal, UC-Berkeley
Shin-ichi Fukuda, University of Tokyo
Gregory Chin, University of York
Saori Katada, USC (Discussant)
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:15 Session 2: Pacific from Broad Security Perspectives
Chair: David Kang, USC
Invited panelists:
David Arase, Pomona College
William Tow, Australian National University, College of Asia and the Pacific
Tuong Vu, University of Oregon
12:15-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Session 3: China-Latin American Ties
Chair/Discussant: Michael Shifter, Inter-American Dialogue
Invited Panelists:
Kevin Gallagher, Boston University
Enrique Dussel Peters, UNAM
Injoo Sohn, University of Hong Kong
Carol Wise, USC
3:00-3:15 Coffee Break
3:15-4:45 Session 4: Re-Imagining Culture and Diaspora Across the Pacific
Chair/Moderator: Chair: Lan Chu, Occidental College
Invited panelists:
Lok Siu, University of Texas, Austin
Sarita See, University of Michigan
4:45-6:15 Session 5: Political Economy of Culture
Chair: Meiling Cheng, USC
Invited panelists:
Bill Tsutsui, Southern Methodist University
JungBong Choi, Tisch School, NYU
Stan Rosen, USC
April 9
8:30-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-11:00 Session 6: Cross Pacific Experiences in Dealing with Economic and Social Issues
Chair: Richard Drobnick, Marshall School, USC
Invited panelists:
Doug Joines, Marshall School, USC
Glenn Melnick, School of Policy, Planning and Development, USC
Tridib Banerjee, School of Policy, Planning and Development, USC
Mark Wilson, USC Marshall ABAC Research Team
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:00 Round Table “Redefining the Pacific, and the Implications for the United States”