Jeffrey Wasserstrom is a Professor of history and chair of the department at UC Irvine, where he also serves as the Editor of the Journal of Asian Studies. He is the author of four books, the most recently published of which is China in the 21st Century: What Everyone Needs to Know (2010). He is also the editor or co-editor of six others, including Chinese Characters: Fast-Changing Lives in a Fast-Changing Land, an anthology of new writing on China to be published next year by the University of California Press. In addition to contributing to a range of scholarly periodicals, he has written commentaries and reviews for newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times and the Asian edition of the Wall Street Journal, as well as for a wide variety of magazines, including Foreign Policy, the Nation, Outlook India, and both Time and Newsweek. He blogs regularly for the Huffington Post, is a co-founder of the “China Beat” blog/electronic magazine, is the Asia editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books, and is an Associate Fellow of the Asia Society. He was also, for one year, Acting Editor of the American Historical Review.
He has given talks on China on four continents and his past honors including selection to deliver the 2011 Zeidman Memorial Lecture at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C. He has been a guest on National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered,” as well as on “Marketplace,” and has served as a consultant for two prize-winning documentaries, and been interviewed about U.S.-China relations by Al Jazeera, Australian television, the BBC and CNN. He was educated at UC Santa Cruz (B.A.), Harvard (M.A.), and Berkeley (PhD), as well as the University of London and Shanghai’s Fudan University (no degrees). Before returning to his native California five years ago, he taught at the University of Kentucky (his first job) and at Indiana University, where he spent a decade-and-a-half, and served for a time as the Director of the East Asian Studies Center.