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Event Details
April 28, 2008

Asia Society and Museum
8th Floor, 725 Park Avenue
New York, NY
United States

Public Talk - New York, NY

Product Safety: Understanding the "Made in China" Brand (with live webcast)


April 28th
6:30 - 8:00 pm

As China prepares for its August 2008 Olympics ‘coming out party,’ lingering concerns over the safety of the ‘Made in China’ brand remain. Even as China publicizes efforts to ensure product safety and reassure consumers, new incidents and ‘Not Made in China’ brands have cropped up. In many product safety cases, there is no easy target at whom to point a blaming finger. Laxity of government supervision in China plays a role, as do conditions in China’s factory and supply chain systems. Domestic and foreign companies have learned that they must proactively involve themselves in sourcing chains, and many companies are rapidly changing their approaches.

This program, the second in Asia Society’s series of programs looking at the effects of the Olympics on China, will analyze all of these issues while providing future prospects and advice for companies, governments, and consumers alike.

- Alexandra Harney, S. China Correspondent, Financial Times; Author, The China Price: The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage
- Paul Midler, Founder and President, China Advantage
- Alan H. Schoem, Senior Vice President, Global Product Risk Practice, Marsh

- Daniel Rosen, Principal, China Strategic Advisory

Please note: this event will also be a free live webcast accessible from Asia Society's home page at Online listeners are encouraged to send questions to <>.
