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Event Details
April 30, 2010

Doheny Memorial Library, Intellectual Commons
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States

Conference - Los Angeles, CA

Print in the Early Modern World: Integrative and Contemporary Perspectives


Morning Session: Toward a Globalized History of Printing

Cynthia J. Brokaw, Brown University
“Woodblock Printing and the Spread of Book Culture in Late Imperial China.”
Round-table I: New perspectives
Lori Meeks, USC, Lindsey O’Neill, USC, Ramzi Rouighi, USC, Michael Gasper, Occidental College.

Round-table II: The Eisenstein Legacy
Lynn Hunt, UCLA, Peter Mancall, USC, and John E. Wills, Jr., USC.
Afternoon Session: Back to the Future?

Richard Baum, UCLA
“China Today: Media Transformed and Not Quite Controlled.”
Craig Calhoun, NYU and Social Science Research Council
“The Public Sphere in the Ages of Print and Web.”
Margaret C. Jacob, UCLA
“Picart’s Religious Ceremonies and Customs of all the People of the World and the First Global Vision of Religion.”

For more information on the Early Modern Studies Seminar, please contact Karin Huebner at

Recommended Reading:
Elizabeth Eisenstein, The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (second edition, 2005), especially the “Afterword.”

“Conversation” with Eisenstein in Sabrina A. Baron et al., Agent of Change: Print Culture Studies After Elizabeth L. Eisenstein.

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