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Event Details
May 17, 2011

Asia Society
725 Park Avenue
New York City, NY
United States

Public Talk - New York City, NY

Pragmatism & Idealism: How Entrepreneurs and Intellectuals are Shaping Today's China


Tide Players by Zha Jianying.
In Tide Players, acclaimed New Yorker contributor and author Zha Jianying depicts a new generation of movers and shakers who are transforming modern China. Through half a dozen sharply etched and nuanced profiles of both "Bamboo Capitalists" and intellectuals — both the elites within the system and the critics on the margin of it — Tide Players captures the concrete detail and the epic dimension of life in the world's fastest growing economy.

For an opportunity to understand China through those pushing the boundary from within, please join us for a fascinating discussion with author Zha Jianying, Orville Schell, Arthur Ross Director, and Susan Jakes, Arthur Ross Fellow of the Center on US-China Relations at Asia Society.

Zha Jianying is a writer, media critic, and China representative of the India China Institute at The New School. She is the author of China Pop and five books in Chinese, including The Eighties, an award-winning cultural retrospective of the 1980s in China. She has published widely in both Chinese and English for a variety of publications, including the New Yorker, the New York Times, Dushu, and Wanxiang. She lives in Beijing and New York.

Can't make it to this program? Tune in to the free live video webcast on from 6:30 to 8:00 pm ET. Online viewers are encouraged to submit their questions to during the webcast.