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Event Details
March 24, 2011

Columbia University
International Affairs Building, Room 1501
New York City, NY 10027
United States

Other - New York City, NY

Political Culture and China: Celebrating the Life and Work of Tianjian Shi


Thomas Bernstein, Professor Emeritus of Government, Columbia University
Yun-han Chu, Professor of Political Science, National Taiwan University
Yawei Liu, Director, China Program, The Carter Center
Xiaobo Lü, Professor of Political Science, Barnard College
Melanie Manion, Professor of Public Affairs and Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Andrew J. Nathan, Class of 1919 Professor of Political Science, Columbia University
Suisheng Zhao, Executive Director, Center for China-U.S. Cooperation, University of Denver

Tianjian Shi, Columbia PhD in political science in 1992, was associate professor of political science at Duke University and professor of political science at Tsinghua University.  He was a pioneer of survey research in China, the author of highly regarded books and articles on political culture and political participation in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, an advisor to the Chinese Ministry of the Interior on the conduct of village elections, a member of the steering committee of the Asian Barometer Surveys, an advisor to many other institutions, and a member of numerous editorial boards.  His career exemplified the achievements of the first generation of mainland Chinese scholars to take advanced degrees in the social sciences in the United States.  His spirit of service to China, to the United States, to professional colleagues, students, and the global scholarly community inspired many.  We will meet to remember him and to express our loss at his untimely death.