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Event Details
December 2, 2010

366 Mergenthaler Hall
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
United States

Public Talk - Baltimore, MD

Patterns of Inscription: On the Historical Transmission of Chinese Pictures


Professor Lee (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2003; MA Williams College Graduate Program in the History of Art, 1995; BA University of California, Berkeley, 1992) is Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Asian Studies Program. She recently completed a book manuscript, The Night Banquet: A Chinese Scroll through Time (University of Washington Press, Fall 2010), which uses the handscroll painting, Night Banquet of Han Xizai, attributed to Southern Tang court painter Gu Hongzhong, as a case study to examine the meaning and impact of textual accretions including colophons and seals added by viewers onto the artwork from the Southern Song period to the present. Her research and publications have focused on the transitional Five Dynasties-Ten Kingdoms period, addressing questions of cross-cultural exchange and the creation and persistence of traditions. She has recently given papers concerning art in the immediate post-Mao period and is currently researching images by and of women in tenth-century China. Her research interests include word-and-image studies, collecting and display, reception, Orientalism, and more recently, gender. She teaches a wide range of classes on Asian art from the Neolithic to the modern period.