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Event Details
October 6, 2010

Asia Society
725 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021
United States

Other - New York, NY

Panel Discussion and Book Signing: Dreaming in Chinese by Deborah Fallows


Deborah Fallows has spent much of her life learning languages and traveling the world. But nothing prepared her for the surprises involved in learning Mandarin or the intensity of living in Shanghai and Beijing. Over time, she realized that her struggles and triumphs in studying the language of her adopted home provided small clues to deciphering the behavior and habits of its people, and the conundrums of its culture. As her skill with Mandarin increased, language provided windows into understanding romance, humor, protocol, relationships, and the overflowing humanity of modern China.

Join us for a lively conversation with Deborah and fellow panelists James Fallows, Orville Schell, and Baifang Schell as they discuss her book and share their own unique perspectives on living in China today. Book signing following the discussion.

Deborah Fallows, author and linguist, has lived and traveled throughout China with her husband, James Fallows. She holds a PhD in linguistics and is the author of A Mother’s Work.

James Fallows is a journalist and National Correspondent for The Atlantic, where he has worked for more than 25 years.

Orville Schell, China scholar and journalist, is the Arthur Ross Director at Asia Society’s Center on US-China Relations. He is the author of fourteen books, nine of them about China.

Baifang Schell is a media and business consultant living and working in China.