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Event Details
April 15, 2017

Kent Hall, Room 403
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
United States

Conference - New York, NY

Modern East Asian Law in Global Perspective


Tristan G. Brown, Columbia University
Yue Du, New York University
Maura Dykstra, California Institute of Technology
Jooyeon Hahm, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Kreitman, Columbia University
Chien Wen Kung, Columbia University
Ling-Wei Kung, Columbia University
John Lee, Harvard University
Arnulf Becker Lorca, Amherst College
Thomas Lafontaine Odom, Columbia University
Andrew Sartori, New York University
Eric Vanden Bussche, Sam Houston State University
Fei-Hsien Wang, Indiana University
Madeleine Zelin, Columbia University
Taisu Zhang, Yale University
Organized by Tristan G. Brown, Columbia University; Colin Jones, Columbia University; and Idriss Fofana, Columbia University
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Kent Hall, Room 403
No registration required.
Co-sponsored by the American Society for Legal History
9:45 – 10:00 Opening Remarks
10:00 – 12:00 Panel I: Law and Territory
Commentator: Professor Arnulf Becker Lorca, Amherst College
“Cosmology After Empire: Negotiating Situated Knowledge of Landed Property in Early Twentieth Century China”
Tristan Brown, Columbia University
“Crime, Legal Practices and Colonial Rivalries along the Sino-Burmese Borderlands, 1902-1940s”
Professor Eric Vanden Bussche, Sam Houston State University
“Negotiating the Japan-Hawai’i Border: The Hawaiian Board of Immigration, 1886-1894”
Professor Paul Kreitman, Columbia University
“Translating Sovereignty: The Tibet Conventions between Britain and China, 1904-1906”
Ling-Wei Kung, Columbia University
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 – 3:00 Panel II: Sources of Law
Commentator: Professor Taisu Zhang, Yale University
“Some Notes on the Local Case:?An Institutional Approach to Doing Justice in Qing History”
Professor Maura Dykstra, California Institute of Technology
“Whose Interest is ‘Public Interest’??Public Order and Good morals in Chinese Contract Law”
Thomas Lafontaine Odom, Columbia University
“Knowing Communists: Mass Arrests and the Chinese Information Order in the Philippines and Taiwan, 1952-1961”
Chien Wen Kung, Columbia University
3:15-5:15 Panel III: Law and the Modernizing Enterprise
Commentator: Professor Andrew Sartori, New York University
“Father’s Blood and Mother’s Love: Parental Rights and Obligations in Modern Japan, 1868–1945”
Jooyeon Hahm, University of Pennsylvania
“Revolutionizing Parentally-Arranged Marriage in Early Republican China, 1912-1927”
Yue Du, New York University
“The Pirates’ Law:?Chinese Booksellers’ ‘Copyright’ Regime and its Western Copycat”
Professor Fei-Hsien Wang, Indiana University
“For Whom the Tree Falls: Forest Regulations in Chos?n Korea’s Last Century, 1800-1910”
John Lee, Harvard University
5:30 – 6:00 Roundtable: What Do We Want from Global History?
Professor Madeleine Zelin, Columbia University; Professor Arnulf Becker Lorca, Amherst University; Professor Taisu Zhang, Yale University; Professor Andrew Sartori, New York University