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Event Details
November 1, 2013

Harvard University, CGIS Knafel Building, Room K262
1737 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States

Public Talk - Cambridge, MA

Michael McDevitt, "Muilding a Modern Navy: China and Maritime Power"

This event is part of the "Critical Issues Confronting China" seminar organized by Ezra Vogel, William Overholt, and William Hsiao. The weekly series will take a comprehensive view of the complex issues China faces today. Featured speakers will present political, economic, geopolitical, and social issues in a broad cultural, historical, Asia regional, and international context. Each session will raise concrete issues, point out controversies, and explore possible options for Chinese leaders.

Michael McDevitt is a senior fellow at the Center for Naval Analyses (CAN) where he focuses on the Maritime disputes in East Asia. He is the former director of CNA Strategic Studies. He has particular expertise in East Asia affairs, with his most recent research efforts focusing on the maritime dimension of China’s national strategy. McDevitt has been at CNA since leaving active duty in 1997.

During his Navy career, McDevitt held four at-sea commands, including command of an aircraft carrier battle group. He was a Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group fellow at the Naval War College and was director of the East Asia Policy Office for the Secretary of Defense during the George H. W. Bush administration. He also served for two years as the director for Strategy, War Plans and Policy (J-5) for US CINCPAC. McDevitt concluded his 34-year active-duty career as the commandant of the National War College in Washington, DC. McDevitt earned his MA in American diplomatic history from Georgetown University and his BA in US history from the University of Southern California; he is a graduate of the National War College, Washington, DC.

Jointly sponsored by Harvard University Asia Center and the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies with the generous support of Lee M. Folger
