“Megastructures: EcoARK” — Film Screening And Discussion With EcoARK Architect Arthur Huang, And Joachim Mitchell, NYU
“Megastructures: EcoARK” features the planning and construction of the EcoARK pavilion at the 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo, the first mega-building of its kind. The visually stunning structure is built to withstand earthquakes and typhoons and is made of 1.5 million recycled PET bottles. National Geographic, in cooperation with the Government Information Office in Taiwan, worked on documenting the challenges and eventual success faced by the architectural, planning and building teams who worked on this incredible structure. Following the film will be a conversation with Arthur Huang, the EcoARK architect and Mitchell Joachim, NYU Clinical Associate Professor and innovator on ecological and urban design, to discuss the important contemporary global issues of urban architecture and ecological sustainability raised by the film.
EcoARK Architect Arthur Huang formally established MINIWIZ in 2006 and since then the company has grown organically into a profitable international ecosolution product brand employing over 40 full-time professional engineers, architects and designers.
Mitchell Joachim is Clinical Associate Professor at the Environmental Studies program at NYU and a leader in ecological design and urbanism and co-founder at Planetary ONE and Terreform ONE. He is a TED Senior Fellow and has been awarded fellowships with Moshe Safdie and Martin Society for Sustainability, MIT.
To RSVP, email apa.rsvp@nyu.edu, or Call 212-992-9653
Presented In Collaboration With The Taipei Economic And Cultural Office In New York