The year 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement and the 70th anniversary of the ending of the Communist Revolution in China. Beginning with the unreserved embrace of Western values by “enlightenment” intellectuals, the three decades following World War I in China witnessed dramatic transformation on all fronts, ending in the establishment of a communist government that would rule China to the present day. To make sense of the impacts and legacies of these two historical events as well as the ironies and contradictions that were intrinsic to them, our panelists will discuss the impact of the May Fourth movement on social and intellectual life in Republican China, the opportunities and dilemmas that confronted Chinese women in their involvement in the Communist Revolution, and the strategy and tactics behind Communist success in the Civil War in 1949.
Title forthcoming.
Xiaoping Cong
Professor of History
University of Houston
Title forthcoming.
Iris Ma
Part-Time Assistant Professor of History
Southwestern University
"From 1919 to 1949: The May 4th Movement and Communist Strategy and Tactics in China’s Civil War"
Harold Tanner
Professor of History
University of North Texas
Huaiyin Li, moderator
Professor of History
University of Texas at Austin
Free and open to the public. RSVP to reserve your seat, please email:
Text from the University of Texas at Austin's Center for East Asian Studies