Ying Liang, feature film director, Hong Kong
Wang Wo, independent documentary filmmaker, Chicago
Zhu Rikun, film director and founder, Fanhall Films, New York City; Cui Zi' en, director, film scholar, screenwriter, novelist, and queer activist, Florida.
Please note that these films and events occur over four separate days, between October 8 and November 12. The full schedule, with each day's event details, is below.
In recent years, independent filmmakers in China have faced a wide array of challenges. Some have begun to live and work outside the country. This fall, the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies’ film series features the work of four of these filmmakers, climaxing with their visit to University of Michigan.
Full Film Series Schedule:
10/8 (7:00, Angell A):
"Up & Down" (dir. Wang Wo, 12 min., 2007)
"The Questioning" (dir. Zhu Rikun, 21 min., 2013)
"When Night Falls" (dir. Ying Liang, 80 min., 2012)
10/28 (4:00, 2435 North Quad):
Panel discussion featuring Cui Zi’en, Wang Wo, Ying Liang, and Zhu Rikun; final comments by Johannes von Moltke
6:30: Public reception for directors, Babo, 403 E Washington St.
10/29 (5:00, Angell A):
"A Sunny Day" (dir. Ying Liang, 26 min., 2016)
"A Filmless Film Festival" (dir. Wang Wo, 80 min., 2015)
All four directors present for discussion
11/12 (7:00, Angell A):
"Night Scene" (dir. Cui Zi-en, 75 min., 2004)
After film discussion with S. E. Kile & Markus Nornes