A half hour lecture in the Conference Center's Mirov Room will be followed by a 90 minute tour of the Garden. This event is free but requires pre-registration. Limited to 30 people.
To register, call 510.643.6321 or email ccs@berkeley.edu
Many elements of the vast Asian flora are represented in the Garden, with an emphasis on rhododendrons and maples, as well as the first collections of the dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) on the West Coast. Fall color is particularly lovely in the vicinity of the Japanese Pool; maples, dogwoods and birches provide a vivid display.
The Chinese Medicinal Herb Garden is one of the Botanical Garden’s Ethnobotanical collections and was developed in collaboration with the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou, China. These herbs are organized according to their function in traditional Chinese medicine and many are depicted in classical Asian art.
Note: Wheelchair accessibility in the Garden is limited. The Conference Center and much of the main road are accessible. Participants in wheelchairs will be able to attend the lecture and then directed to the Japanese Pool where they can meet the others for the second half of the tour. The Chinese Medicinal Garden is not easily accessible.