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Event Details
February 15, 2009

New York Marriott Marquis
1535 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
United States

Conference - New York, NY

International Studies Association Annual Conference, New York


A group of scholars and practitioners founded the International Studies Association (ISA) in 1959 to pursue mutual interests in international studies. Representing eighty countries, ISA has over four thousand members worldwide and is the most respected and widely known scholarly association in this field.

The 2009 annual conference will be held at New York Marriott Marquis Times Square on February 15-18, 2009. Additional information is at:

China-related presentations at the conference are listed below.

SA44: Sunday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Environmental Protection and Local Political Changes in China

Chair Katherine Morton, Australian National University

Disc. Katherine Morton, Australian National University

International environmental non-governmental organizations in local politics: Comparing the different structures of Greenpeace networks in solid toxic waste campaign in the Philippines and China

Wai Man Natalie Wong: Department of Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Local People’s Congress and the Inland Nuclear Power Project

Xiang Fang: University of Edinburgh

Beyond the Decision: Environmental “Impact Litigation” in China

Rachel E. Stern: University of California at Berkeley

Development, Disaster, and Environmental Protection: A Comparative Study of Local Environmental Politics in China

Fengshi Wu: Chinese University of Hong Kong

SB06: Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Advances in the Study of Foreign Policy: Modeling Beliefs and Decisions

Chair Akan Malici, Furman University

Disc. Jerel A. Rosati, University of South Carolina

Learning in China's Decision-Making toward Multilateral Institutions: The Cases of APEC, APT and ARF

Huiyun Feng: Utah State University

Kai He: Georgia State University

SB09: Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

The Resource Curse and Democracy

Chair Allison Chatrchyan, Cornell University

Disc. Allison Chatrchyan, Cornell University

The China Card and American Politics: The Domestic Sources of US Policy toward China, from 1868 to 2008

Jungkun Seo: University of North Carolina at Wilmington

SB46: Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

The BRICs as "Responsible Global Stakeholders?" Implications for the United States, Great Power Competition and World Order

Chair Cynthia Roberts, Hunter College, City University of New York and Saltzman Institute on War and Peace Studies, Columbia University

Disc. Parag Khanna, London School of Economics and Political Science & New America Foundation

China as a (More?) Responsible Stakeholder: A Requirement for Recognition as a Great Power

Michael Glosny: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

SC30: Sunday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Novel Perspectives: Integrating National and State Level

Chair Ronald L. Tammen, Mark O. Hatfield School of Government

Disc. Michelle Benson Saxton, University at Buffalo - State University of New York

Provincial Investment Decisions: The Spatial Diffusion of FDI in China and India

Tadeusz Kugler: La Sierra University

Travis Coan: Claremont Graduate University

SC38: Sunday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

China's Foreign Economic Policies

Chair Xiaowen Zhang, Augustana College

Disc. Xiaowen Zhang, Augustana College

China in Africa: A Mutually beneficial Strategic Partnership? The Case of Sudan

Daniela Nascimento: University of Coimbra

Carmen A. Mendes: University of Coimbra

Chinese vs. US Political Warfare In Africa

Sterling Johnson: Central Michigan University

China's Quest for Energy Security: Political, Economic, and Security Implications

Jean A. Garrison: University of Wyoming

Regional Implications of China’s New Foreign Policy in Latin America: The Energetic Factor

Carmen A. Mendes: University of Coimbra

Maite J. Iturre: University of the Basque Country

China’s Preferential Trade Policies and Small State Diplomacy

Marc Lanteigne: University of St. Andrews

SC44: Sunday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Climate Change and Human Security in Developing Countries

Chair Clionadh A. Raleigh, Trinity College, Dublin

Disc. Henrik Urdal, Peace and Research Institute Oslo(PRIO)

Climate Change, Energy Security and China’s Development Dilemma

Paul J. Smith: Naval War College

SD09: Sunday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

IGOs, NGOs: Activities and Historical Role

Chair Clifford Bob, Duquesne University

Disc. Clifford Bob, Duquesne University

The Evolution of China’s Relationship with the World Bank: From Debtor and Beneficiary to Partnership

June Park: Boston University

SD26: Sunday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Constituting the Knowledge Economy: Governing the New Regional Spaces of Higher Education

Chair Kanishka Jayasuriya, Murdoch University

Disc. Eleni Tsingou, University of Warwick

Questing for Global Competitiveness: The Search for New Regulatory Modes in Higher Education in Greater China

Ka Ho Mok: The University of Hong Kong

SE01: Sunday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

International Organizations and Trade

Chair Richard W. Chadwick, University of Hawaii

Disc. Gregory P. Corning, Santa Clara University

Challenging China at the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Which Cases Are Brought and How Are They Settled?

Xiaowen Zhang: Augustana College

SE28: Sunday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Processes of Securitisation and the Role

Chair Jef Huysmans, The Open University

Disc. R. B. J. Walker, University of

Media Environments as Sites of Securitization Contestation in China

Juha A. Vuori: University of Turku

SE46: Sunday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

China's Foreign Policy

Chair Wanfa Zhang, Florida Institute of Technology

Disc. Wanfa Zhang, Florida Institute of Technology

Intentions Matter: Why China's Foreign Policy will be Peaceful

Dingding Chen: Hamilton College

Understanding China’s Foreign Policy ? A Political Economy Perspective

Julia Bader: German Development Institute

Rhetoric on the Past, Responses to the Present, and Anticipation of the Future in Japan-China Relations

Mary McCarthy: Drake University

MA17: Monday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Status and the Great Powers

Chair Deborah W. Larson, University of California at Los Angeles

Disc. Christopher Layne, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A & M University

Disc. Richard Rosecrance, Harvard University

Prestige, Delegitimation, and War: What Is China’s Vision for International Order?

Xiaoyu Pu: The Ohio State University

Randall L. Schweller: The Ohio State University

Status, Power, and World Order: Integrating Russia and China

Deborah W. Larson: University of California at Los Angeles

Alexei Shevchenko: California State Fullerton

MA18: Monday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Understanding Small State Behavior: Alternate Explanations

Chair Laura Cristina Ferreira-Pereira, University of Minho

Disc. Cristina S. Pecequilo, UNESP

The Individual is a Function of the State: The State Level of Analysis as an Explanation for the Caribbean’s Increased Engagement with China

Dana Marie Morris: University of Denver

MA41: Monday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

China's Energy Relations with the Global South

Chair Carrie Currier, Texas Christian University

Disc. Charles E. Ziegler, University of Louisville

China's Search for Energy Security in the Middle East: Strategic Implications

Manochehr Dorraj: Texas Christian University

Carrie Currier: Texas Christian University

China, Russia, and Central Asia: Triangular Energy Politics

Gregory Gleason: University of New Mexico

China, Latin America, and the United States: The Political Economy of Energy Policy in the Americas

Gregg B. Johnson: University at Buffalo - State University of New York

Jesse T. Wasson: State University of New York at Buffalo

Competition and Cooperation: China's Energy Relations with Japan and India

Jian Yang: University of Auckland

MA46: Monday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Continuity and Change in Institutions and Networks

Chair Robert D. Duval, West Virginia University

Disc. Robert D. Duval, West Virginia University

Who Would Have Thunk It? Investing in China and Socialism in Venezuela: Understanding Regime Change

Anthony P. Spanakos: Montclair State University

MA48: Monday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

The World Trade Organization

Chair Surupa Gupta, University of Mary Washington

The Ins and Outs of China's WTO Compliance

Jean-Marc F. Blanchard: San Francisco State University

MA95: Monday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Nationalism and Conflict in China

Disc. Stephen B. Herschler, Oglethorpe University

The Reverse Linkage Effect?: Assessing the Impact of Chinese Integration on the Democratization of Hong Kong

Ilan Alon: Rollins College

Dexter Boniface: Rollins College

The History of Victimization: New Trends in China’s Nationalism

Xuecun Liang: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mêlée Apart for Human Rights: Comparative Studies on Silenced Tibetans and Native Americans

Maorong Jiang: Creighton University

China’s Ethnic Regime in Comparative Perspective: Implications for Future Conflict

Erin E. Williams: University of British Columbia

Clash of Cultures: Rethinking Chinese Nationalism

Zheng Wang: Seton Hall University


MA97: Monday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

China: Internal Threats and External Challenges

Disc. Yu-Wen Chen, University of Konstanz

Is the Traditional East Asian System a Hierarchy?

Feng Zhang: London School of Economics and Political Science

The Future of Regional Cooperation in East/Southeast Asia

Soleiman Dias: Hanyang University

The New Development of Cross-Strait Relations since 2008

Hsiao-Yun Yu: Chinese Culture University

Winning Without Victory: Why China Has Failed to End the Separatist Struggle in Tibet

Lisa M. Rickmers: City University of New York

Peasant Protes and Long-term Political Stability in China

Zhang Wu: Union College

MB27: Monday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Regional Security Governance in the New Millennium II

Chair Emil J. Kirchner, University of Essex

Disc. Bruce Bagley, University of Miami

Russia, China & US Missile Defense: Shanghai Cooperation Framework on the Line?

Imtiaz A. Hussain: Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City

MB28: Monday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Energy and Security in Asia

Chair Sumit Ganguly, Indiana University

Disc. Taylor M. Fravel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Disc. Sumit Ganguly, Indiana University

From Soft Balancing to Strategic Hedging: The Case of Chinese Energy Security Policy

Wojtek M. Wolfe: Rutgers University

Brock Tessman: University of Georgia

MB41: Monday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Regional Responses to the Rise of China


Panel: Foreign Policy Analysis

Chair Lui Hebron, California Maritime Academy

Disc. Lui Hebron, California Maritime Academy

Beijing-Taipei Relations and Policy Adjustments across the Taiwan Straits

Kevin G. Cai: University of Waterloo

Accommodation or Engagement? Australia’s Response to a Rising China

James Manicom: Flinders University

Andrew O'Neil: Flinders University

Hu Jintao's New Taiwan Policy and Relations Across the Taiwan Straits: An Analysis of the Beijing-Taipei Interactions

Event Data

Shang-chih Chen: Natioanal Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

“Chindia” or Rivalry? Indian Perspectives on the Rise of China

Priyanka R. Dubey

Vincent W. Wang: University of Richmond

MB48: Monday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

The Politics of Preferential and Regional Trade Agreements

Chair Patricia Mary Goff, Wilfred Laurier University

Disc. Patricia Mary Goff, Wilfred Laurier University

China’s FTA Negotiation in Asia and its Multilateral Implication

Wei Liang: Monterey Institute of International Studies

Ka Zeng: University of Arkansas

MC04: Monday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Ideology, Use of Force and US Foreign Policy

Chair Andrea M. Lopez, Susquehanna University

Disc. Lippert Jacques, IERI

Disc. Carlos L. Yordan, Drew University

Apology and Historical Memory: Nationalist Interpretations of Crises between the US and China

Elizabeth Susan Dahl: University of Nebraska at Omaha

Gang Wu: University of Nebraska at Omaha

MC27: Monday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Building Stable Societies in the Post-Communist Realm

Chair Mariya Y. Omelicheva, University of Kansas

Disc. Mariya Y. Omelicheva, University of Kansas

Social Networks and Institutional Change: Lessons from China and the Balkans

Iva Bozovic: University of Southern California

MD01: Monday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Puzzles of South Korea and East Asian Superpowers

Chair Jungmin Seo, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Disc. Jungmin Seo, University of Hawaii at Manoa

The Problem of Political Legitimacy in China and its Implication to the Security Order of the Korean Peninsula

Jungmin Seo: University of Hawaii at Manoa

Neighbors Are Charming to Each Other? A Study of Korea-China Mutual Perception

Jih-Un Kim: Webster University

The Yellow Dragon: Cooperation on Desertification in Northeast Asia

Esook Yoon: Kwangwoon University

Status Hierarchies and South Korea's Regional Relations

David C. Kang: University of Southern California

The Impact of International Organizations on Identity Politics: Vehicle or Obstacle?

Chair Aart A. Holtslag, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Disc. Carolyn M. Stephensen, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Sustaining Cosmopolitanism: The Role of International Organizations in Hong Kong

Wai-man Lam: The University of Hong Kong

MD18: Monday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Public and Private Diplomacy: Their Effects on Foreign Policy

Chair Kathy R. Fitzpatrick, Quinnipiac University

Disc. Steven F. Jackson, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

The Banding Spirit Lives Forever: Communist China, Africa, and Transracial Political Solidarity

Vera L. Fennell: Lehigh University

Mixed Images: Beijing's Public Diplomacy Regarding the "Genocide Olympics" Campaigns

Courtney J. Richardson: Fletcher School, Tufts University

MD38: Monday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Infectious Diseases and Threat Responses in Asia

China’s Response to Newly Emergent Infectious Diseases: The International Implications of Local Threats

Nicholas David Thomas: City University of Hong Kong

Health and Human Security in East Asia: Issues and Challenges

Mely C. Anthony: Nanyang Technological University

China’s Response to Epidemics: Insights from the English School

Elizabeth Wishnick: Montclair State University

Assessing Health Security Threats in Asia

Yanzhong Huang: Seton Hall University

MD94: Monday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

International Organization Poster Session 2

Disc. Dexter Boniface, Rollins College

China and Russia in the post?Cold War UN Security Council: Obstructors or Sentinels of Global Security?

David Mickler: Murdoch University

ME41: Monday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Assessing Alliance Behavior Among Allies in Asia

Chair Sunny Lee, Institute for Korea-US Political Development

Disc. Maorong Jiang, Creighton University

Towards an Asymmetrical Dyadic Alliance Model: Case Study Taiwan-US Relations

Joshua Su-Ya Wu: The Ohio State University

ME09: Monday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Regional Perspectives on Preventing Mass Atrocities: Advancing the Responsibility to Protect in the Asia Pacific

Chair Alex Bellamy, University of Queensland

Disc. Ramesh C. Thakur, Centre for International Governance Innovation

Strengthening China’s Role in Protecting Populations from Mass Atrocity Crimes

Sarah E. Teitt: University of Queensland

ME29: Monday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

The European Union as a Global Power

Chair Walter Carlsnaes, Uppsala University

Disc. Walter Carlsnaes, Uppsala University

The EU, China and the United States: Institutions, Power and Norms in Bi-Multilateral Commercial Relations

Michael H. Smith: Loughborough University

ME44: Monday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Civil Society Approaches to Environmental Mobilization: Lessons from around the World

Chair Cristina M. Balboa, Yale University, Doctoral Studies

Disc. Jack Manno, State University of New York Col of Environ Sci & Forestry

How Global is Global Environmental Governance through Partnerships? –Partnership Governance in China and India

Sander Chan: Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

ME46: Monday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Global Politics, Globalization, and Redistribution

Chair Rajaram Krishnan, Earlham College

Disc. Rajaram Krishnan, Earlham College

Contemporary Energy Security: Understanding US and China Energy Competition and Cooperation

Wojtek M. Wolfe: Rutgers University

TA01: Tuesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Metaphors, Blends, and Concepts for Studying the Political: Understanding the Past and Constituting the Future

Chair Ido Oren, University of Florida

Disc. Alan Cienki, Vrije Universiteit

Constituting China: The Role of Metaphor in the Discourses of Sino?American Relations

Eric M. Blanchard: University of Southern California

From Mao’s Dao to Deng’s Dao: Vital Relations and Socalled Pragmatic Thinking

Stephen B. Herschler: Oglethorpe University

TA16: Tuesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

International Communication and Free Expression as Soft Power

Chair Matthew D. Evans, Penn State University

Disc. Eytan Gilboa, Bar?Ilan University

The Premises of Soft Power: A Comparative Analysis of Public Diplomacy Policy Rhetoric in China and Japan

Craig Hayden: American University

TA23: Tuesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

The Role of FDI for Development: Lessons Learned

Chair Zeev Yoram Haftel, University of Illinois at Chicago

Disc. Zeev Yoram Haftel, University of Illinois at Chicago

Foreign Capital Liberalization and Development: Lessons from China, India, and Russia

Roselyn Hsueh: University of Southern California

TA31: Tuesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Rising China and the International Future

Chair Daniel Lynch, University of Southern California

Disc. Fei-Ling Wang, Georgia Institute of Technoogy

Chinese Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Nonofficial Intellectuals' Views of the Future

William A. Callahan: University of Manchester

Chinese Thinking on the Future of International Relations

Daniel Lynch: University of Southern California

China's Telecommunications Revolution and Implications for a Future International Role

Eric Harwit: University of Hawaii

Lighters and Litigation: Political Pluralization of the Trade Policy Process

Andrew Mertha: Cornell University

Appeasing a Rising Authoritarian China: Implications for Democracy and Peace

Edward Friedman: University of Wisconsin

TA42: Tuesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Foreign and Domestic Policy in China and East Asian Regional Movements

Chair Vincent W. Wang, University of Richmond

Disc. Vincent W. Wang, University of Richmond

Debating Chinese Reform: New Left vs Liberals

He Li: Merrimack College

Imperialism, Acculturation and Cognitive Reintegration: The Origins of Korean Millenarian Nationalism

James F. Rinehart: Troy University

The Impact of China’s Rise on Asian Regional Security Order: China’s Emerging Role in Central Asia

Nadine Godehardt: German Institute of Global and Area Studies

‘One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?’: China’s Engagementin Africa

Monika Thakur: McMaster University

Corruption in China: Cancer on the System

Lui Hebron: California Maritime Academy

TB02: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Securitizing Science and Technology in World Affairs: Implications for International Security in the 21st Century

Chair Dan Plafcan, University of Virginia

Disc. Lynn Eden, Stanford University

Policy Innovation in Energy Security: Knowledge Production and Expertise in China, Japan, and the United States

Dan Plafcan: University of Virginia

TB11: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Celebrities, Spectatorship, and International 'Good' Causes

Chair Lisa Ann Richey, Roskilde University

Disc. Craig J. Calhoun, Social Science Research Council

Celebrity Cultivation in Modern China and the Moral Politics of China's HIV/AIDS Heroes

Johanna L. Hood: University of Technology Sydney

TB18: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Current Questions in Chinese Security Policy

Chair Terence Lee, National University of Singapore

Disc. Wooseon Choi, Ramapo College of New Jersey

People’s Army with Private Weapons? Interpreting the Contemporary Changes in China Defense Industries

Emmanuel Puig: CNRS France

China's Nuclear Weapons Policy Since the 1990s

Nicola Ann Horsburgh: University of Oxford

When Does China’s Military Modernisation Become Dangerous? US Arms Sales to Taiwan and the Cross-Strait Offence-Defence Balance: A Reflection

Chih-yu Shih: National Taiwan University

Ching-Chang Chen: University of Wales, Aberystwyth

TB27: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Geopolitics of Central Asia

Chair Gregory O. Hall, Morehouse College

Disc. Reuel Hanks, Oklahoma State University

Power Politics in Central Asia: China and Russia’s SCO Dialogue

Tiara Grant: New Mexico State University

TB29: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Legislatures, Bureaucracies, and Foreign Policy: Their Role and Their Effect

Chair Brian D. Ripley, Mercyhurst College

Disc. Brian D. Ripley, Mercyhurst College

Revisiting Trade Policy towards China, 1989?2001: Vote Choice and Change in a Polarized Congress

Jungkun Seo: University of North Carolina at Wilmington

TB31: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

China and Latin America: An Evolving Relationship

Chair Gonzalo Sebastian Paz

Disc. Jorge I. Dominguez, Harvard University

China and Venezuela: Potential Allies?

Gonzalo Sebastian Paz

Chinese Opportunities: An Outlook for Latin American Trade

Rolando Avendano: Paris Scool of Economics

Goeril Havro: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Just Biding its Time? The Strategic Implications of China's Expansion in Latin America

William E. Ratliff: Hoover Institution Fellow

China as an Imperialist Power

June Teufel Dreyer: University of Miami School of Business

TC26: Tuesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Central Banks and Currency Politics

Chair Jennifer Dwyer, Hunter College

Disc. Jennifer Dwyer, Hunter College

Challenge and Response: US Dollar Disturbance and Prospects for Sino?Japanese Monetary Cooperation in East Asia

Wolf Hassdorf: China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing

TC31: Tuesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Security and Cooperation in Asia

Chair Hidekazu Sakai, Kansai Gaidai University

Disc. Tsuneo Akaha, Monterey Institute of International Studies

Constructing Transpacific Security Community: The Matured Stage of US-Japan Alliance

Hidekazu Sakai: Kansai Gaidai University

China Embraces Multilateralism: From Reluctance to Activism

Jing-Dong Yuan: Monterey Institute of International Studies

Security Cooperation in Asia: Who is the Leader of the East Asian Community?

Hiro Katsumata: University of Bristol

Is China a Black Swan?: Implications for America and East Asian Security

Kevin Cooney: Union University

Network Governance and East Asian Security

Anja Elisabeth Jetschke: University of Freiburg

TC42: Tuesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

The Politics of Foreign Direct Investment

Chair Yu Zheng, University of Connecticut

Disc. Yu Zheng, University of Connecticut

China and India: Variation in the Reregulation of Foreign Direct Investment in the Age of Globalization

Roselyn Hsueh: University of Southern California

TC97: Tuesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Human Rights, Responsibility and War

Disc. Cian O'Driscoll, University of Glasgow

Is there an Eastern Way to Practice Human Rights? A Comparison of Christian and Buddhist Transnational Networks in China

Yun Wang: University of California at Riverside

TD08: Tuesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Eclectic Approaches to Conceptualizing the Asian Region

Chair David Leheny, Princeton University

Disc. William C. Wohlforth, Dartmouth

Status Hierarchy and War in Early Modern East Asia

David C. Kang: University of Southern California

China’s Rise: Return, Rupture or Recombination?

Peter Katzenstein: Cornell University

Ideas, Collective Beliefs, and Power Transition in Asia

Evelyn Goh: Royal Holloway, University of London

TD19: Tuesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

US - China Relations

Chair Wojtek M. Wolfe, Rutgers University

Disc. Wojtek M. Wolfe, Rutgers University

The US and the PRC as Third Parties in Conflict Management of Southeast Asia

Kwei-Bo Huang: National Chengchi University

Differences over 9/11: Back to the Post?11/9 in China and US Relations?

Burcu Sari: Bilkent University, Turkey

Engagement as Power Strategy: Strategic Logic of US China Policy

Wooseon Choi: Ramapo College of New Jersey

TD28: Tuesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Security Governance as a Collective Action Problem: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Results

Chair Timothy J. McKeown, University of North Carolina

Disc. Mark J. Crescenzi, University of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill

Disc. Peter Dobrowski, Naval War College

In the Crossfire: Vietnam’s Relations with China and the Soviet Union during the Vietnam War (1965-1972)

Minh Quang Pham: Department of International Studies, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University

TD31: Tuesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Assessing China’s Diplomacy, Past, Present and Future

Chair Yaqing Qin, China Foreign Affairs University

Disc. Yaqing Qin, China Foreign Affairs University

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the New Diplomacy of China

Fei Gao: China Foreign Affairs University

China' New Diplomatic Model:Bridging Past and Future

Liqun Zhu: China Foreign Affairs University

Relationality and Processual Constructivism: Chinese Elements in IRT

Yaqing Qin: China Foreign Affairs University

Norms, Structures and the Networking of Track II Process

Ling Wei: China Foreign Affairs University

China's Rise and its Partnership with ASEAN

Yan Wang: China Foreign Affairs University

TD95: Tuesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Geopolitics and Energy

Disc. Andoura Sami, EGMONT ? Royal Institute for International Relations

Disc. Cathryn Thurston, George Mason University

First Century? China’s Search for Oil and Sudan’s Upward Economic Mobility

Astra Bonini: The Johns Hopkins University

TE16: Tuesday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Globalization, Anti-Globalization and Media Framing

Chair Mehpare Selcan Kaynak, Bogazici University

Disc. Douglas A. Van Belle, Victoria University of Wellington

Journey of Harmony VS Disharmony ? Flame of friendship VS shame, China VS the West ——Thoughts over 2008 Beijing Olympic Torch Relay

Debao Xiang: Macquarie University

TE31: Tuesday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Assessing China’s Rise: Power and Influence in the 21st Century

Chair Robert Ross, Boston College

Disc. Robert Ross, Boston College

Morality and Necessity Combined: The Role of the United Nations in China’s Diplomatic Rise

Liselotte Odgaard: Royal Danish Defence College

China’s Rising? An Assessment of China’s Military Power

Taylor M. Fravel: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Strategic Forces and the Rise of China: Causal, Derivative, or Irrelevant?

Christopher Twomey: Naval Postgraduate School

Prosperity, Politics and Power: The International Dimensions of China’s Rise as a Trading Giant

Scott Kastner: University of Maryland

WA13: Wednesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Follow the Money: Insights into Foreign Aid and Foreign Investment in Environmental Politics

Chair Ruth Ben-Artzi, Providence College

Disc. Ruth Ben-Artzi, Providence College

Are Foreign Investors Attracted to "Pollution Havens": The Case of China

Ka Zeng: University of Arkansas

WA20: Wednesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Chinese Diaspora and the Rise of China

Chair Fei-Ling Wang, Georgia Institute of Technoogy

Disc. Fei-Ling Wang, Georgia Institute of Technoogy

Disaporic Chinese Business: The "Food Chain" of Chinese Family Enterprises in the UK

Gordon C. K. Cheung: University of Durham

Edmund Terence Gomez: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

The Role of Diasporas in Hong Kong in Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy

Simon Xu-Hui Shen: HK Institute of Asia?Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T.

Chinese Digital Diaspora and Beijing's National Image Management

Sheng Ding: Bloomsburg University

China’s Diaspora and Returnees: Impact on China’s Globalization Process

Henry Huiyao Wang: China Western/Overseas Returned Scholars Association

WA32: Wednesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

The Influence of Non-State Actors on State Behavior in 21st Century International Water Management

Chair Jeroen F. Warner, CSMR, Radboud University Nijmegen

Disc. Paula Duarte Lopes, University of Coimbra

The Impact of Domestic Actors on State Behavior in Managing International Rivers: An Examination of China and India

Neda Zawahri: Cleveland State University

Oliver M. Hensengerth: Chatham House, London

WA36: Wednesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

The Future of Great Power Strategic Rivalry in Asia

Chair John Mearsheimer, University of Chicago

Disc. John Mearsheimer, University of Chicago

Triangular Peace among Beijing, Taipei, and Washington: An Analysis of the Impact of Economic Independence and Institutions on Cross-Strait Relations

Jun Wei: University of Chicago

The Sino-US Strategic Balance and the Prospects for an Asian “Nuclear Peace”

Keir A. Lieber: University of Notre Dame

Daryl G. Press: Dartmouth College

East Asia in 2025: Cooperation, Competition, or Conflict?

Christopher Layne: Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A & M University

China's Naval Nationalism and Great Power Rivalry

Robert Ross: Boston College

WA48: Wednesday 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Tibet Protests and the Questions of Representations

Chair Dibyesh Anand, Westminster University

Disc. Dibyesh Anand, Westminster University

Free Tibet, Ready or Not

P. Christiaan Klieger: California Academy of Sciences

The Formation and Implication of Two Uniform Images about Tibet

Xiaoyang Tang: New School for Social Research

Is There a Pattern of Tibetan Protest?

Anne-Sophie Bentz: Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland)

Pro-Tibetan Activism and Challenges for China's Public Diplomacy

Lu Tang: University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Hongmei Li: University of Pennsylvania

WB23: Wednesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Assessing the Impact of Remittances on Development

Chair Luis Cabrera, University of Birmingham

Disc. Luis Cabrera, University of Birmingham

Transnational Engagement, Remittances and Policy Change: Political Bargain between Taiwanese Government and Businesspeople

Yu-Sung Su: Columbia University

WB37: Wednesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

International Organizations: A Critical View

Chair Mark T. Berger, Naval Postgraduate School

Disc. Mark T. Berger, Naval Postgraduate School

The Evolution of China’s Relationship with the World Bank: From Debtor and Beneficiary to Partnership

June Park: Boston University

WB41: Wednesday 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

IR Theory and Foreign Policy Behavior in Asia

Chair Eundak Kwon, Northern Kentucky University

Disc. Brent E. Sasley, University of Texas at Arlington

Chinese Strategic Culture through Different Notions of Strategy in 60 Chinese Strategy Classics – A Novel Abstraction of Strategy Universe?

Matti Nojonen: Finnish Institute of International Affairs

China's Deliberate Compliance in the United Nations: Beyond IR Theories

Chih-ji Hsiu: Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University

WC09: Wednesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Foreign Aid and Interventions in Africa and Beyond China's Impact on Human Rights in Africa

Carolyn M. Shaw: Wichita State University

WC23: Wednesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Latin America and the World Economy

Chair Arie M. Kacowicz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Disc. Arie M. Kacowicz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

“The New Nationalism” Oil Strategy of Chavez and Mommer: Can China, Iran and International Oil Companies Enable Venezuela to Escape the Markets of “El Imperio” and Reverse PDVSA Production Declines?

Thomas W. O'Donnell: The New School for Social Research

WC24: Wednesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Power and States in the International System

Chair J. David Singer, University of Michigan

Disc. J. David Singer, University of Michigan

A Forward Reasoning Approach to the Possibility of a China-US Transition

David Paul Rapkin: University of Nebraska

William R. Thompson: Indiana University

WC25: Wednesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

The Korean Peninsula Peace Regime Building

Chair Jay M. Parker, Georgetown University

Disc. Daniel Pinkston, International Crisis Group

Disc. Scott Snyder

China and the Korean Peninsula Peace Regime Building

Xiao Ren: Fudan University

WC41: Wednesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

The Foreign Policy Impact of Major Powers on Region and States

Chair Gregory P. Corning, Santa Clara University

Disc. Vincent W. Wang, University of Richmond

Do Regional Powers Export their Political Regimes? Comparing China, India and Russia

Joerg Faust: German Development Institute

Julia Bader: German Development Institute

The Role of Greater China in Latin America

Thomas Cieslik: University of Wuerzburg

WC96: Wednesday 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM

Navigating the Politics and Uncertainties of Climate Change

Disc. Fariborz Zelli, German Development Institute

China’s Participation in the Post?2012 Climate Change Regime

Ho-Ching Lee: National Central University

WD05: Wednesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

State Behaviour and Global Norms: Comparing Hegemonic and Emerging Powers

Chair Andrew Walter, London School of Economics and Political Science

Disc. Amitav Acharya, University of Bristol

The United States, China and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Explaining Norm Convergent Behaviour

Rosemary J. Foot: University of Oxford

Behavioural Convergence in Financial Regulation: The US and China

Andrew Walter: London School of Economics and Political Science

WD17: Wednesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Understanding Chinese Foreign Policy

Chair Robert Ross, Boston College

Disc. Robert Ross, Boston College

Thinking About Intervention: Chinese Elite Views of Peace Enforcement Operations

Courtney J. Richardson: Fletcher School, Tufts University

Half-Circle: China’s Policy Shifts on Track II Security Regimes

Marc Lanteigne: University of St. Andrews

Assesssing Chinese Dissatisfaction with the International Status Quo

Katharine Jefferson: University of Arizona

China’s Foreign Aid Policy: Rediscovering an Old Tool of Diplomacy

Michael Glosny: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

WD26: Wednesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

China and the World

Chair Xiaowen Zhang, Augustana College

Disc. Xiaowen Zhang, Augustana College

Explaining the Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights Policy in China after the country’s WTO Entry: The Case of Copyright

Zhenqing Zhang: University of Minnesota

China's Investment in Africa: A Catalyst for Growth and Development or a "Trojan Horse" for Exploitation

Emmanuel Ezi Obuah: Alabama A&M University

Global Capitalism and China's Uneven Integration into the World Economy

Ling Chen: Johns Hopkins University

China, the West and the New Scramble for African Oil

Jesse S. Ovadia: York University

WD33: Wednesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

The Developmental State Revisited

Chair Lynn White Jr., Princeton University

Disc. Lynn White Jr., Princeton University

Policy Learning and Diffusion Analysis: China’s FDI Liberalization in the Shadow of Japanese Developmental State

Min Ye: Boston University

Institutions, Governance, and Foreign Investment: A Comparative Analysis of Special Economic Zones in China and India

Yu Zheng: University of Connecticut

WD41: Wednesday 2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Multiple Targets of Chinese Foreign Policy

Chair Julia Bader, German Development Institute

Disc. Julia Bader, German Development Institute

Comparative Diplomacy: Chinese Relations with Sudan and Angola, 1959-2009

Steven F. Jackson: Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Impact of China’s Latin-American Policy Strategy on Taiwan's Relations with Its Latin American Allies

Johnny Shaw: Chinese Culture University

The Relevance (or Irrelevance) of the Hong Kong Experience Under China's One Country Two Systems Concept for Taiwan

James W. Chui: London School of Economics and Political Science

WE05: Wednesday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Human Security Issues in Regional Cooperation in East Asia

Chair Susan Kang, John Jay College of Criminal Justice/ City University of New York

Disc. Jing-Dong Yuan, Monterey Institute of International Studies

China's Non-Traditional Security Cooperation in Southeast Asia

David Arase: Pomona College

WE29: Wednesday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Public Opinion, Media and Foreign Policy Actions

Chair Ulf Bjereld, University of Gothenburg

Disc. Mehpare Selcan Kaynak, Bogazici University

Public Opinions, Elite Faction and Foreign Policy in China: Anti Americanism and PRC (Re)action to the United States

Xiaojun Li: Stanford University

WE43: Wednesday 4:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Investigating Bodies, Minds, and Ideas through Critical Human Security

Chair Nikola Hynek, Institute of International Relations

Disc. Vit Stritecky, Institute of International Relations

Critical Human Security and HIV/AIDS: Provincial/Municipal Responses in Thailand and China

Neil G. M. Renwick: Coventry University

Jing Gu: Institute of Development Studies