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Event Details
November 6, 2015

Wexner Center for the Arts
1871 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43210
United States

Public Talk - Columbus, OH

ICS & Art History Event: Zhang Hongtu, "Artist's Talk: Zhang Hongtu"


"Artist's Talk: Zhang Hongtu"

Zhang Hongfu, Artist

New York–based artist Zhang Hongtu has long used Western art history to comment on his native China’s past and present. His Bird’s nest in the style of cubism (2008), featured in the Wexner Center’s fall exhibition After Picasso: 80 Contemporary Artists, adopts the style of analytic cubism to critique Beijing’s hosting of the 2008 Summer Olympics (and was seized by Chinese authorities on its way to an Olympic-themed exhibition). A major retrospective of Zhang’s work opens this fall at the Queens Museum of Art.

Ohio State History of Art Professor Julia Andrews, a leading scholar in Chinese contemporary art, joins Zhang for the talk.

Artist's website:

Sponsor: Wexner Center for the Arts
Co-sponsor: Institute for Chinese Studies

Beijing Olympics 2008