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Event Details
February 19, 2016

Lucy Ellis Lounge, 1080 Foreign Language Building
Urbana, IL 61820
United States

Public Talk - Urbana, IL

How is Overseas Summer Camp? The Perspectives of Chinese Adolescents and Their Parents


Joy (Zhuowei) Huang, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois

Traveling abroad for short-term educational and leisure programs, referring to "overseas study tour" in this study, has become popular amonth Chinese adolescents in recent years, particularly high school students (14-18 years old). This research examines the overseas study tour from the perspetive of Chinese adolescents and their parents. Three primary types of activities were identified in overseas study tour. Chinese adolescents perceived benefits and values of overseas study tour were uncovered. In addition, their parents' perspectives of sending kids to overseas study tour were discussed in this research.


Dr. Joy (Zhuowei) Huang is an Assistant Professor at Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is interested in consumer behavior in travel and tourism area, with the focus on social-psychological accounts of tourists. Dr. Huang is particularly interested in Chinese tourist behavior, which she believes is a reflector of the transitioning society in China.
