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Event Details
March 19, 2011

Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Smithsonian Institution
1050 Independence Ave SW
P.O. Box 37012, MRC 707

Washington, DC 20013
United States

Exhibition - Washington, DC

History of Chemistry I


The 2011 Perspectives series will focus on single-projection videos, beginning with History of Chemistry I by Lu Chunsheng (b. 1968, Changchun, China), a renowned photographer and video artist now living in Shanghai. A mesmerizing experience of a vaguely familiar but remote world, History of Chemistry I follows a group of men as they wander from somewhere beyond the edge of the sea through a vast landscape to an abandoned steel factory. Using long shots and remote settings, Lu Chunsheng enigmatically refers to a distant history while conveying the sense of dislocation wrought by modernization.

The next Perspectives installment, featuring a work by Hale Tenger (b. 1960, Izmir, Turkey), will be on view July 30–November 6, 2011.