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Event Details
February 17, 2009

University of Michigan
Room 1636 School of Social Work Building,
1080 S. University

United States

Public Talk

Higher Education and Diversity: The Changing Origins of University Students in China, 1903-2002

A talk by James Lee, U-M Professor of History and Sociology. Professor Lee will talk about an ongoing comparative project on the relationship between postsecondary education and stratification in China during the second half of the twentieth century. He will compare the trends and patterns in social origins of entering undergraduates at Peking University, an elite national university, with Suzhou University, a major provincial university, to show that while the social origins and educational background of the students at these two universities differ significantly, they come from an astonishing variety of diverse settings which persists into the twenty-first century. James Lee is Frederick Huetwell Professor of Chinese History at the University of Michigan.
