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Event Details
February 12, 2014

United States

Educators Calendar

Half the Sky: Schooling China’s Millennial Girls

During the last 25 years, China has been a leader in worldwide efforts to provide educational opportunities to all children, including girls. In fact, Chinese girls and boys now go to school in nearly equal numbers, and rural, migrant and minority children from China’s most marginalized communities have experienced tremendous gains in educational access, particularly since 2005. However, access to schooling insures neither educational quality nor equality. Ross shares findings from 14 years of research with 1,000 rural girls in Shaanxi Province and considers the mechanisms by which schooling promotes (and sometimes simultaneously inhibits) the empowerment of China’s millennium girls.

PRESENTER: Heidi Ross (Director, East Asian Studies Center; Professor, Educational Policy Studies, IU Bloomington)

FACILITATOR: John M. Frank (Social studies teacher, Center Grove High School, Greenwood, Indiana)

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DATE: Tuesday,  Feb 11th

TIME: 7:00PM-8:45PM (EST)


