PRC President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao have recognized the seriousness of environmental degradation in China, and accordingly insist that the conventional Chinese path of encouraging economic growth at the expense of the environment has to be changed. As a first but most important step to clean up the country’s development act, Hu and Wen incorporated for the first time energy-saving and environmental goals into the national five-year economic blueprint in China to clearly distinguish their vision of China’s development from that of their predecessors. Clearly, this is a test of their leadership. In the meantime, it presents a unique opportunity for the two top Chinese leaders to put the country on a more sustainable development path. This policy-oriented talk attempts to paint the overall picture on this issue.
A Senior Fellow at the EWC, Dr. ZhongXiang Zhang is also an adjunct professor of economics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Peking University, Beijing. Currently, he is a co-editor of International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics, and serves on the editorial boards of seven leading international journals. Among his 140 publications are The Economics of Energy Policy in China (New Horizons in Environmental Economics Series, Edward Elgar, 1997) (author); International Rules for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading (United Nations, 1999) (co-author); and An Economic Analysis of Climate Policy (Elsevier, 2004), Energy Economics and Policy in Mainland China and Taiwan (China Environmental Science Press, 2006), and Trade and the Environment in North America (Springer, 2007) (editor).