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Event Details
December 1, 2021
Public Talk

The Future of U.S. and China Innovation and Tech Competitiveness



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Academic, business, economic and legal experts will discuss U.S. innovation and tech competitiveness vis-a-vis China, IPR concerns in China, and the impact of President Biden's executive order for competition on U.S. innovation and competitiveness. 


Mark Cohen
Director, Asia Project, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology

Mark Cohen joined Berkeley Law in 2017 as a Senior Fellow and Director of BCLT’s Asia IP Project. With over 30 years’ experience as a law firm attorney, in-house counsel, government official, and adjunct and visiting professor of law, Cohen was previously Senior Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary of Commerce/Director of the USPTO. He is widely recognized as the leading expert in the U.S. on intellectual property law in China.  Mark hosts the popular blog, serves as an advisor to the IP database, and has published books and articles on China’s IP system, antitrust law in China, civil and administrative enforcement of IP,  and foreign law firms practicing law in China.

Kirti Gupta

VP Technology & Economic Strategy, Qualcomm, Inc.

Dr. Kirti Gupta is a seasoned economist and business leader with 20 years of Fortune 500 industry experience in diverse roles spanning engineering, product, litigation, and policy. She and her team provide economic analysis and thought leadership on global Technology, IP, Antitrust economic policy issues, collaborating with various business units internally, and a global network of experts, economists, lawyers, and policy makers externally. Dr. Gupta has several publications in law and economics journals and holds 35 patents in the field of wireless communications.

Brian Peck
Executive Director and Professor, USC Gould Center for Transnational Law and Business 

Brian Peck joined the USC Gould School of Law in 2016 and serves as executive director of the Center for Transnational Law and Business and adjunct assistant professor of law. The USC Center for Transnational Law and Business promotes world-class policy analysis and debate to help international businesses navigate the complex matrix of varied trade and compliance policies around the world. Before earning his law degree, Peck lived and worked in Tokyo, Japan, for more than nine years and held management positions with both U.S. and Japanese companies. Peck graduated Order of the Coif and received his law degree, cum laude, from the University of San Diego School of Law.

Elizabeth Wang
Executive Vice President, Compass Lexecon

Dr. Elizabeth Xiao-Ru Wang is an Executive Vice President with Compass Lexecon and specializes in antitrust and intellectual property (IP) issues. She has provided economic analyses in merger review, commercial disputes and regulatory hearings, especially in cross-border matters. Dr. Wang has a PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago in the United States and a B.A. in Economics from Peking University in China.

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