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Event Details
December 10, 2007

Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall
Room 101
United States

Public Talk

Environmental and Development Policy in China: Is Harmonization Possible?


3:00 – 5:00 PM, Reception to follow
Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall, Room 101
RSVP to Leah Oliver

PPD Research Consortium and the Bedrosian Center
School of Policy, Planning, and Development
USC US-China Institute
University of Southern California

China’s rapid growth over the past few decades has come with significant environmental costs. Air pollution in China’s major cities is an increasingly serious problem due to rapidly growing industrial activity, motorization, and reliance on coal as a major fuel source. Water quality is compromised from industrial pollution, while rapid growth has contributed to inadequate water supply in some regions. Deforestation is contributing to more frequent and intense summer dust storms.

China’s growth and its consequences is following a pattern observed in other countries; industrialization leads to increased environmental pollution, and it is not until income rises substantially that environmental problems are addressed and mitigated. However, China’s economic growth is also unprecedented in scale, and it is taking place in a highly integrated global economy and society.

The Chinese government recognizes its growing environmental problems and has engaged scientists, engineers, and public policy analysts from around the world in seeking viable solutions. The Chinese approach is harmonization: address environmental problems while at the same time maintaining sufficient economic growth. This panel will discuss possibilities for achieving both environmental and economic growth objectives.

Opening remarks will be provided by Adam Clayton Powell, Vice Provost, Globalization and Jack H. Knott, C. Irwin and Ione L. Piper Dean and Professor, School of Policy, Planning, and Development.


Dr. Daniel Dudek, Environmental Defense, will discuss
market approaches to environmental mitigation and describe his
current work on developing a SO2 emissions trading system in

Prof. Surya Prakash, USC, will discuss scientific advances in
coal to methanol conversion, and describe experiments being
conducted in China to introduce methanol as a household fuel.

Prof. Shui Yan Tang, USC, will discuss institutional issues in
environmental and economic policy. He will address institutional
designs for effective collaborations and governance in China.

Prof. Lan Xue, Tsinghua University, will provide an overview of
Chinese environmental policy. He will describe the Chinese regulatory
environment and discuss some specific policy efforts in progress.

Prof. Daniel A. Mazmanian, USC, will serve as the panel moderator.
Throughout 2005-06 he served as a member of the Task Force on Environmental
Governance of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and

** This event will be held in collaboration with the GreenXchange Leadership Conference, December 10-11, 2007, Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California. **

RSVP by Monday, December 3, 2007 to Leah Oliver, Assistant Director, USC Bedrosian Center, at 213-821-2550 or