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Event Details
February 9, 2013

Columbia University, International Affairs Building, Room 918
420 W. 118 St.
New York, NY 10027
United States

Public Talk - New York, NY

Empire in East Asia II


The Weatherhead East Asian Institute (WEAI) presents "Empire in East Asia II" as part of the workshop series, After the Postcolonial Turn: Global Perspectives. On the premise that post-colonialism (the theory and scholarly practice) and post-coloniality (the historical condition) have both reached a new stage, this series of informal workshop-discussions will compare the specificities of colonial histories across the globe in order to identify commonalities and differences toward the goal of a new conceptualization of those all-too-well-worn words: colonialism and empire.

Speaker: Mark Driscoll, University of North Carolina, Cultural Studies
Discussant: Anupama Rao, Barnard, History

No registration required.