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Event Details
April 9, 2008

Lindner Family Commons, The Elliott School of International Affairs, 6th Floor
1957 E Street, NW
United States

Public Talk

Does China Have an Energy Diplomacy?: Reflections on China's Energy Security and its Impact on Foreign Policy

Speaker: Linda Jakobson, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute of International Affairs

Linda Jakobson is the Beijing-based Senior Researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA). Her current research focuses on China’s energy security and climate change policies. She has written six books on Chinese and East Asian society, based on the 15 years she lived in China and other parts of East Asia. The Finnish edition of A Million Truths: A Decade in China (1998) won the annual Finnish Government Publication Award. In 1990, Jakobson was a Fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. She has written extensively about the Taiwan Straits, China’s foreign policy and grassroots political reform in China. She has authored, among others, the International Crisis Group’s Taiwan Strait IV Report (“What an Ultimate Political Settlement Might Look Like,” 2004); a related article on “Greater Chinese Union” in The Washington Quarterly (2005); and a chapter about village elections in Governance in China (2004). In 2007 she and four other China-based specialists finished a book project on China’s high-tech ambitions (Innovation with Chinese Characteristics: High-Tech Research in China).

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