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Event Details
January 31, 2013

Room 505
1957 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
United States

Public Talk - Washington, DC

Discussion with Sigur Center Summer 2012 Research Fellows

Each year the Sigur Center awards students with grants to conduct field research in Asia over the summer.  Join the Summer 2012 Student Research Fellows as they share their findings and impressions. Last year's Research Fellows include:   
Varun Piplani (PhD - Political Science) 
"The Politics of Economic Reform: Explaining Privatization in the Indian States" 

Nora Shetty (MA - International Education)
"Increasing Educational Opportunities for Girls: A Case Study of Non-Formal Education Models in Rural Karnataka, India"

Hyun-Jin Song (PhD - Political Science)
"The Impact of Northeast Asian Countries' Economic Dependence on a Rising China and Their Strategic Stance in the Security Arena"

Jackson Woods (PhD - Political Science)
"Chinese Popular Nationalism and Assertive PRC Diplomacy, 2009-2011"

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