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Event Details
April 6, 2012

University of Chicago, SS 224
1126 E 59th St
Chicago, IL 60637
United States

Conference - Chicago, IL

Development and Social Change in Contemporary China 当代中国的发展与社会变迁


Over a hundred thousand collective actions of different scales and forms (such as protests, demonstrations and riots) happen in China every year. Collective actions in China are also taking new forms due to the changing of state policies, the opening up of the Chinese media, and the rise of micro-blogs as mobilization vehicles. What impact do these recent sociopolitical developments have on the patterns of collective actions in China? What patterns are there in the state's responses to the recent developments in collective actions? Can the Chinese regime sustain increasing grassroots challenges in the age of micro-blog? This conference, which brings leading scholars from China and the US for a timely discussion of these and other issues, aims to set agendas for further research on collective actions in contemporary China.

Conference Schedule:
April 6, The John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224), 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago

Welcome Address
8:30-8:35 ZHAO Dingxin, 赵鼎新 欢迎辞

Guest Address
8:35-8:40 Li Youmei, 李友梅 来宾致辞

Session One
Moderator, Feng Gang, 主持人 冯钢

8:40-9:00 Shen Yuan
Housing Transforms China: The Homeowners' Rights Campaign in B City
沈原 居住改变中国——B 市的业主维权运动

9:00-9:20 Ying Xing
The Mechanisms of Grassroots Mobilization in Collective Actions in China
应星 中国社会集体行动中的草根动员机制

9:20-9:40 Feng Shizheng
Managing Public Disorder: The Conceptualization of “Mass Event” as Political Agenda-Setting in China
冯仕政 “群体性事件”作为国家政治议程 概念的兴起及内涵 

9:40-10:10, Q&A

10:10-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-12:00, Session Two
Moderator, Zhang Wenhong, 主持人 张文宏

10:30-10:50 Mao Dan
Internet and China’s Transition: The Making and Remaking of Political Opportunities of Social Movement

10:50-11:10 Liu Yuzhao
Ideological Competition as Interest Demand Tools: Property Rights and Community Boundary in Land Acquisition Disputes
刘玉照 作为利益诉求工具的意识形态之争——征地纠纷中的产权与村

11:10-11:30 Sun Yanfei
Dance with the State: The Rise of Protestant Christianity in Post-Mao China

11:30-12:00 Q&A

Roundtable Discussion:
April 6, Social Science Tea Room (SS 201), 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago

14:30-16:00 Session One, Discussion on the Moring Presentations
Moderator: Lang Youxing, 第一场,讨论上午报告 主持人,郎友兴

16:00-16:20 Coffee Break

16:20-17:50 Session Two, New Trends of Social Movement in China: Microblogging,
Wukan Incident, and the Left Movement
Moderator: Mao Dan, 第二场 中国社会运动新趋势——微博、乌坎事件与左翼社会运动 主持人,毛丹

17:50-18:00 Zhao Dingxin, Concluding Remarks
赵鼎新 总结