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Event Details
October 7, 2015

American Enterprise Institute, Twelfth Floor
1150 Seventeenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
United States

Public Talk - Washington, DC

Deflating bubble in China? Lessons from Japan?


China’s recent economic slowdown and stock market free fall have sent shudders through world financial markets, raising questions anew about the global economic outlook. Please join AEI for a seminar to examine the causes of the recent Chinese slowdown and to address whether it is a temporary setback or the deflation of real estate and investment bubbles, with worse to come. Is China now repeating the path of Japan? We will also consider the implications of Chinese economic developments for the US economy ahead of next year’s US presidential elections.

Join the conversation on social media with #ChinaBubble.


Robert Z. Aliber, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Nicholas Eberstadt, AEI
Yukon Huang, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Desmond Lachman, AEI

Derek Scissors, AEI

Moderator: Alex J. Pollock, AEI



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To watch live online, click here on Wednesday, October 7 at 9:00 AM ET. Registration is not required.
