Felix Wemheuer (PhD, University of Vienna, 2006) is an Assistant Professor of in the Institute for East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna.
Among his publications are Steinnudeln: Ländliche Erinnerungen und staatliche Vergangenheitsbewältigung der Großen Sprung -- Hungersnot in der chinesischen Provinz Henan [Stone Noodles: Rural and Official Memories of the Great Leap Famine in the Chinese Province of Henan] (Vienna: Peter Lang, 2007), and Chinas Großer Sprung nach vorne (1958-1961): Von der kommunistischen Offensive in die Hungersnot -- Intellektuelle erinnern sich [China's Great Leap Forward (1958-1961): From the Communist Offensive to Famine -- Intellectuals Remember] (Münster: Lit-Verlag, 2004).
On Professor Wemheuer's website is information, in English, on his research project The Politicization of Hunger: Discourses of Food and State-Peasant Relationships in Socialist China and Soviet Union, as well as many of his papers, articles, and interviews (in downloadable form), links to various websites regarding China, links to websites about famine, and trailers and complete downloads of Chinese movies. click here
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